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Parents’ Information Evening

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1 Parents’ Information Evening
Accelerated Reader Parents’ Information Evening

2 What is Accelerated Reader?

3 STAR reading test The STAR reading test will happen three times in the year: autumn, spring and summer term. Students MUST ONLY test in SCHOOL. They cannot do this at home. You will receive a diagnostic report of your child’s performance on this test 3 x in the year, plus an extra report summarising their overall reading progress at the end of the school year in July. There is intervention in place in school for students reading above or below their chronological reading age. More on this later. What is Accelerated Reader (AR)? AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his/her own level and reads it at his/her own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer - passing the quiz is an indication that your child has understood what has been read. AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results which the teacher then uses to help the child set targets and ongoing reading practice. Children using AR have a free choice of the books they read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they feel in control and can choose books that are interesting to them. Staff will help your child choose books that are at an appropriate reading level. These will be challenging without being frustrating and will also be at a level at which your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

4 STAR Diagnostic reading report
cv The Normed Referenced Standardised Score is an age standardised score that converts a student's "raw score" to a standardised score which takes into account the student's age in years and months and gives an indication of how the student is performing relative to a national sample of students of the same age. The average score is 100.c The Percentile Rank provides the relative positioning of a child’s performance on their star test. For example, with a PR of 90 this student has outperformed 90% of his or her peers. The Zone of Proximal Development is a range of book levels that students will be encouraged to select from. Choosing from this range means the texts will be ‘just right’- encouraging progress and not hindering it. What is Accelerated Reader (AR)? AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his/her own level and reads it at his/her own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer - passing the quiz is an indication that your child has understood what has been read. AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results which the teacher then uses to help the child set targets and ongoing reading practice. Children using AR have a free choice of the books they read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they feel in control and can choose books that are interesting to them. Staff will help your child choose books that are at an appropriate reading level. These will be challenging without being frustrating and will also be at a level at which your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

5 How does Accelerated Reader work?
STAR test provides children with a reading level and a range of book levels called the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

6 How does Accelerated Reader work?

7 How does my child take an Accelerated Reader quiz?
Accelerated Reader is a website that allows you to track what you are reading. You gain points for the books you read, which convert into rewards throughout the year! To get points, you need to complete a quiz after you have finished reading your book. You should aim to take a quiz within 48 hours of finishing your book and you should aim to get 85% or more. Quizzing is really easy. You: Log on to the website ( STUDENTS CANNOT GO THROUGH GOOGLE. There is a special link on the ‘School links’ section of their start menu in ‘English’. This will take them straight to the website. here students can search and see if their book has a quiz, or find a book to read. Enter your username and password Select the orange ‘Accelerated Reader’ icon Type in the name of your book and start the quiz Students should not quiz ‘historically’. They must only quiz on a book they have recently read, and aim to quiz within 48 hours. Students can quiz at home, before/after school, during lunch or in their English literacy lessons. Wherever there is access to IT – students can quiz!


9 Book quizzes




13 Key rules for quizzing! After finishing a book, students should aim to quiz on that book within 48 hours. Students should not retrospectively quiz on a book they read longer than 48 hours ago. Students can take as long as they like to complete the quiz, and can ask for help with reading the questions or understanding vocabulary. Students should not get help with choosing the right answer.


15 Impact on reading and progress
What is Accelerated Reader (AR)? AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his/her own level and reads it at his/her own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer - passing the quiz is an indication that your child has understood what has been read. AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results which the teacher then uses to help the child set targets and ongoing reading practice. Children using AR have a free choice of the books they read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they feel in control and can choose books that are interesting to them. Staff will help your child choose books that are at an appropriate reading level. These will be challenging without being frustrating and will also be at a level at which your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

16 Impact on reading progress- 2017 figures
What is Accelerated Reader (AR)? AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Your child picks a book at his/her own level and reads it at his/her own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer - passing the quiz is an indication that your child has understood what has been read. AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results which the teacher then uses to help the child set targets and ongoing reading practice. Children using AR have a free choice of the books they read, rather than having one assigned to them. This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they feel in control and can choose books that are interesting to them. Staff will help your child choose books that are at an appropriate reading level. These will be challenging without being frustrating and will also be at a level at which your child can pass the quiz and experience success.

17 How is AR being used within school?
At Senior Leadership level, reports are produced to identify students who require intervention All teaching staff have access to reading ages and diagnostic reports Weekly summary of top quizzing forms/students shared with staff, students and in the newsletter for parents. DEAR time- students can quiz on 8 new iPads. Reading strategies delivered to staff. Ongoing staff training about how to support and encourage students’ reading. All year 7 tutors have the reading ages and ZPD level for their form to ensure that DEAR time books are appropriate Library has been adapted to fit Accelerated Reader requirements- new electronic system Oliver being installed. This will also talk to AR. New books added every month.

18 Intervention: what support is in place if my child has a reading age below their chronological age?
1:1 reading intervention with students in the nurture group STAR early literacy programme- for EAL/emerging readers- to take place within English lessons, supported by an English teacher. Paired reading three times a week with trained Y12 students/YSIS/English staff. There is a paired reading log to support this. More regular STAR testing for students on the ‘urgent’ list- ensuring we rigorously monitor their progress. 30 minutes of reading in English lessons each week Minimum of 15 minutes of reading in tutor time each week 5 minutes of reading at the beginning of every lesson

19 30 minutes of reading in English lessons each week
What about if my child is reading well above his/her chronological reading age? How will you challenge them? 30 minutes of reading in English lessons each week Minimum of 15 minutes of reading in tutor time each week 5 minutes of reading at the beginning of every lesson 20 book reading challenge Apollo reading challenge- allocated MoS to check in with students and encourage level of challenge ‘Stretch’ project- MoS to organise in Autumn 2, for students with reading age 16+ Dedicated AGT MoS The Brilliant Club

20 Accelerated Reader Rewards
There are lots of fantastic rewards you can gain by engaging in Accelerated Reader Accelerated Reader Rewards Level Reward Reader / quizzer of the week in each form. Each week, our top quizzer will be identified. This will be the person who completed the most AR quizzes from each form. You will get a special mention in the school’s weekly newsletter and in Y7/8 assembly. Reader / quizzer of the half-term. Each half-term, the top quizzer will be identified. This will be the person who completed the most AR quizzes over the whole half-term. You will get your picture on the AR display board in the Harris block. You will get a book voucher. Accelerated Reader merits Your teachers can rewards merits to you if you demonstrate excellent reading habits in DEAR time, at the start of lessons, during your English literacy time etc. You will get a special Accelerated Reader merit. Top quizzing form of the week Each week, our top quizzing form will be identified. This will be the form group who has completed the most quizzes altogether that week. Top quizzing form of the term At the end of each term, our top quizzing form will be identified. This will be the form group who has completed the most quizzes altogether that term. You will get to have bacon butties with Mr Daly/ a pizza party in form time. Millionaire reading club When you have read a total of one million words. This is the equivalent to approximately 25 books You will get a special AHS Certificate You will get your picture on the AR display board in the Harris block You will get a £20 book voucher!

21 Special Rewards Level Reward 20 book challenge
This challenge is open to anybody in Year 7 and 8. The Accelerated Reader challenge encourages you to read 20 books in a year. The books are all on the Accelerated Reader programme, so can you also complete quizzes and earn points as you read. You will get a special AHS Certificate You will get your picture on the AR display board in the Harris block You will get a £10 book voucher! Apollo reading challenge Apollo is the Roman God of wisdom and poetry. As a student with a reading age of 13 years or above, we would like to encourage you to read widely and often. To encourage the joy of reading, we have developed the Apollo Reading Challenge that you can take part in alongside your Accelerated Reader Programme. Read 15 books (some are actually plays!) with at least one being from each category, stating the date completed, your star rating and a line about how you found the book. You will get a special AHS Certificate from Mr Daly You will get a £20 book voucher!

22 Quizzing through Accelerated Reader is really easy. You need to:
20 books challenge To claim your 20 books to read in year 7 prize, present your completed reading challenge book to Miss Woolerton or your English teacher. Good luck! Reading Challenge The Accelerated Reader challenge encourages you to read 20 books in a year. The books are all on the Accelerated Reader programme, so can you also complete quizzes and earn points as you read. How can I quiz? Quizzing through Accelerated Reader is really easy. You need to: Read the books on the list, in any order Log on to the school’s Accelerated Reader website: If you can’t remember your logon details, see Miss Woolerton Complete a quiz on the book you have just read Record a review and you quiz score in your reading record

23 Apollo Reading Challenge
When you have successfully read 15 books, see Mrs McMurdo or Miss Woolerton with your completed booklet.  What is the Apollo Reading challenge? Apollo is the Roman God of wisdom and poetry. As a student with a reading age of 13 years or above, we would like to encourage you to read widely and often. To encourage the joy of reading, we have developed the Apollo Reading Challenge that you can take part in alongside your Accelerated Reader Programme. We have recommended a selection of books from five genres. Some of these will be more challenging than others. You must read at least one book from each category. These are: Shakespeare, The Gothic, 19th Century, social/political and modern. Earn a commemorative certificate in recognition of your outstanding achievement and a book too! How does it work? To take part in the Apollo Reading Challenge, you need to: Read 15 books (some are actually plays!) with at least one being from each category, stating the date completed, your star rating and a line about how you found the book. Complete a quiz on the book you have just read- if there is one! Record a review and your quiz score in your reading record

24 Helping your child to read
According to Renaissance Learning’s research, children who read at least 20 minutes a day with a 90% comprehension rate on AR quizzes see the greatest gains. Therefore, your child should have at least 20 minutes set aside for reading every day. As with anything, performance improves with practice. Encourage your child to read at home. Create a culture of reading in your household by reading with your child, starting a home library, visiting your local library or bookshop on a regular basis and by letting your child see you reading. When reading with your child stop and ask questions to be sure your child comprehends what they have read and in general make a habit of discussing books that each of you has read.

25 Using AR from home-Home Connect
You can access your child’s AR information in Renaissance Place Home Connect from any web-enabled computer. Once in the program, you can view your child’s progress towards targets, points and books read. You can also access AR BookFinder to search for titles of interest. You can only access information about your own child. To log in to Home Connect, you will need to go to the following website: omeConnect Once you are on the website, your login details are: The first letter of your child’s first name, followed by the first four letters of your surname, e.g. TBROW (Tom Brown) ABC (Password for everyone) If you'd like to receive s showing your child’s quiz or test results, click the Setup link in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these s reach your inbox, add to your address book.

26 Key information Read for 20-45 minutes per day
Check reading book is on the Accelerated Reader book list Quiz within two days of reading the book Students are free to read outside of their ZPD. However: If they are scoring below 85%, the books they are reading are probably too challenging If they are consistently scoring 100%, the books they are reading are probably not challenging enough. The AHS Website, English area has lots of fantastic resources for you to access. These include reading lists, the Apollo challenge and information about how to support reading at home: There is a dedicated AR Reading log in your child’s planner (pages 47-50)- please check it regularly, communicate any issues with school and sign it so that FTs can check in with students. Check the newsletter for weekly quizzing results and reading updates. The AHSnumlit Twitter feed is also a good place to go for updates on AR. Please pick up a Parents’ Guide from the back before you leave.

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