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1 Final Project

2 1st PAR-Q TriFit administered example
Yes or no questions; not very personalized Addressed limitations that could occur I answered no to every question Recommendations included implementing more exercise gradually into my daily routine Helped when creating my 8-week fitness program

3 2nd PAR-Q This was given in the lab book as an example
I completed it to see where I stood physically Addressed possible hereditary limitations that could have a large impact on what physical activity I could complete “Interview” of myself and a member of my family (I chose my mom) None of the problems were present in myself or my mom Allowed me to see that I didn’t have to worry about genetic problems that could limit my activities Felt more personalized

4 Fitness Tests Results In the 20 meter shuttle run, 1-minute curl-ups, 1-minute push-ups, and the sit and reach categories that I fell into were “warm-up” VO2 max that I calculated was the “below average” zone I realized that I needed to improve my cardiovascular performance Wanted to use my program to improve that area to benefit other areas Beneficial wake-up call to see what I needed to improve Shaped my 8-week plan heavily to achieve my goals (set to improve cardiovascular strength and endurance) Also I want to improve other areas of my personal fitness to become healthier overall

5 Goals SMART GOAL 1: I want to improve my PACER score by the fall semester by 10 laps; I will implement my cardiovascular 8-week program into my summer work out schedule. SMART GOAL 2: I want to increase my 12- minute run distance by .1 miles for the upcoming spring semester next year to fall into the “fair” category by doing some distance running up until the test.

6 Goal Discussion I wanted to improve the tests that examined by heart health Want to improve my endurance and how long I can run, that’s why I focused on the PACER and 12-minute run 8-week plan revolved around interval and distance training to help meet these specific goals

7 8-Week Fitness Program Decreased number of days a week that were “rest” days as the weeks progressed Increased the intensity level Mix of interval and distance training Revolves around meeting my SMART goals Used the internet to find resistance exercises with weights ( “squat to press, plank with row, split lunge with arms overhead, and lateral lunge to chest press”)

8 TriFit Results Wasn’t necessarily pleased with my ratings after testing Helped me to shape my goals and my 8-week plan Great way to reflect My printouts helped with my plans, goals, and desires moving forward for improvement in my personal physical fitness

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