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Credit Accumulation Route

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2 Credit Accumulation Route
Log credits on NISCC portal Exchange 100 credits for a Consolidation or Specialist Requirement Exchange 200 credits for a Leadership and Strategic Requirement One submission point – January Up to two thirds of an award No academic credits

3 Where do I begin? Read the guidance Decide which Award and Requirement
Decide which training and how to organise it to meet the Requirement(s) Seek advice from your Agency Rep Look at the exemplars on the NISCC website Be clear on the process Copy your entry onto a word document and SAVE!!

4 Guidance for Candidates Logging Professional in Practice Credits or Claiming a Requirement from Accumulated Credit NB Accumulation of 100 PiP Credits can be used to exempt you from the NISCC annual audit if an Award Requirement has not been achieved within the 3 year period of your Registration. However, the Credit must be logged on your Portal Account prior to the Audit Report being run – please ensure that you log Credit as you complete each training exercise. Log on to:

5 Enter your User Name and password – you can reset it by clicking the button as indicated below - if you are still having difficulties with your password you can contact the Enquiries Team on extension , or or ringing and choosing option 1 – for assistance with access.

6 After you log in, you will be presented with the screen below – choose the Professional in Practice Section

7 Within this Section click on Add PiP Credit

8 This will bring you onto the page below

9 By scrolling down you will be presented with fields to complete and space to log your ‘Reflection’ or ‘Reflection and Impact’.



12 The items will be added to your ‘Credit History’ which you can then access by returning back to the main screen and choosing the View/Edit PiP Credit icon – see below

13 Items will list in two records – those with only the ‘Reflection’ completed and those with both ‘Reflection and Impact’ completed with a ‘Total Credit’ for each.

14 When your items within the ‘Reflection and Impact’ section have accumulated 100+ credits you will be eligible to claim a Requirement from an Award – go back to the ‘Professional in Practice’ header and click on ‘Claim a Requirement’ icon – see below (Credit Accumulation Assessment Points are open in January each year).

15 Select the items you wish to include in your Claim (see below) – amounting to 100 + Credits
The total credits selected must be at least 100 credits 100 Credits = 1 Requirement within Consolidation or Specialist Award 200 Credits = 2 Requirements within Consolidation or Specialist Award or 1 Requirement within Leadership & Strategic Award

16 Only Items that have ‘Reflection and Impact’ can be selected for a ‘Requirement Claim’ - see below
Please note that item/s amounting to more than 100 credits will be forfeited e.g. if you select 150 credits, you will lose 50 of them

17 When you have selected all of the items you want to submit against a Requirement - hit the’ Claim a Requirement’ button – see below

18 If the appropriate Award is not available to you to Claim a Requirement, you need to click here to enrol and enlist on the appropriate Award otherwise choose the Award from your list into which you want to claim the Requirement.

19 Otherwise it will take you directly to the screen below, where, if you are enrolled on the appropriate Award, it will present the Requirement relevant to the competences met within the training items you have selected.

20 Choose the Requirements within the Award that you want to claim – ensure that your learning items reflect the description of the Requirement.

21 Confirm that your line manager has verified your claim against the description of the Requirement(s) you have selected

22 Then complete the link statement to the Requirement (Summary Box) (if you need guidance on what is required as your ‘Summary’ press the ‘Click Here’ and it will take you to an example on the NISCC Website (this is temporarily out of action)

23 When you have your ‘Summary’ completed press the ‘Claim a Requirement’ button

24 When your Requirement claim has processed you will get a message ‘Record Saved’ as below

25 If you have any IT difficulties – contact the Social Care Council on extension or If you want other advice re Credit Accumulation please contact the PiP Team on extension

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