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Unit 5, Lesson 4.

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1 Unit 5, Lesson 4

2 What did you do for Children’s Day?

3 Review: Tour Guide Role-play. Imagine you are helping a new exchange student in Busan. A: Excuse me, can you help me? B: Sure. A: Can you recommend a good place to try Korean food? B: Do you like seafood? A: Yes I do! B: Then I recommend Nampodong. There are lots of good restaurants a few blocks from the subway station.

4 Review: Tour Guide Where is a good place to…? Go shopping?
Travel (in Korea)? Go hiking? Drink?

5 Review: Plan a Community
Find another team. Show them your map and introduce your community to them.

6 Today’s Class Pronunciation - R/L Part 2
Topic: Online Communication ( ing/Texting) Grammar: Simple Present vs. Present Continuous Vocabulary: SMS phrases

7 R/L

8 R/L

9 R/L Race Lace Raw Law Berry Belly Grass Glass Boring Bowling Work Walk
Free Flee

10 R/L Now choose 5 words and say them to your partner.
Listen and write down the answer. R/L Race Lace Raw Law Berry Belly Grass Glass Boring Bowling Work Walk Free Flea

11 R/L race I don’t like that ____________. It’s not my style.
Please don’t walk on the ____________. It’s not allowed. It’s _____________ so I really don’t want to do it. I need to ___________ tomorrow so I better get some rest. That __________ has a very big _____________. grass bowling walk flea berry

12 Warm-Up When is the last time you sent an ? What was it about?

13 Listen Where is this person from? Where is she working now?
Is she happy?

14 Page Read Together

15 Page 123 She works at St. Michael’s Hospital. It’s four blocks from her home. It’s across from the hospital. She eats dinner at a restaurant on Main Street or a coffee shop across the street.

16 Grammar I have a new job. I am a nurse at a hospital.
Currently, I’m studying English at the adult school.

17 Page 124 Facts, habits, feelings, things that won’t change (for a while) I’m Canadian. I usually eat dinner at home. I’m happy. I live in Seomyeon.

18 Page 124 Things happening now, temporary actions, things that will change I’m studying English right now. I’m having dinner in Hadan with my friend tonight. These days, I’m learning how to play the guitar.

19 Write the Answers I usually ___________________ lunch in the cafeteria. Today, I’m _________________ English. I _________________ in an apartment in Hadan. She’s __________________ at home with her parents these days. My sister always __________________ her phone. eat / have studying live living uses

20 Ask and Answer Where do you usually eat lunch? Where is the restaurant? Do you have a job these days? Where are you working? Where do you like to hang out in your neighborhood? What is something new you’re learning/doing these days?

21 Sending s Subject Greeting Farewell


23 Ask and Answer What kind of a phone do you have?
How often do you use it (a day)? What are you favorite apps?

24 Texting

25 LOL BRB BTW CU IDK JK NP OMG THX TTYL HBU RN Laugh out loud (like ㅋㅋㅋ in English) Be right back (Just a moment) By the way See you I don’t know Just kidding No problem Oh my God Thanks Talk to you later How about you? Right now

26 What does it mean? A: hi, how r u? B: Good, hbu?
A: i’m ok. what u doing rn? B: Relaxing. U? A: studying. btw, we have an english test today. B: OMG! R u serious?! A: LOL ~ JK

27 Write a Message Imagine you’re writing an to a high school friend. In your , talk about: Where you’re living now Describe your neighborhood What you usually do with your free time

28 Team Assignment Presentation, Role-play or Video
Choose a topic from units 5, 6, 7, or 8. Make a presentation with a PPT, a dramatic role-play, or a video. Work in a team of 2-4 people Time: 2-4 minutes (1 minute person) Everyone in your team must speak equally Worth: 10 points Copying (from the Internet, etc.) = 0

29 Team Assignment Presentation: write some notes, make a PPT, and present it Role-play: write a script and perform it Video: write a script, film something, and edit it

30 Team Assignment Examples
Introduce an interesting neighbourhood (unit 5) Talk about tips for getting in shape (unit 6) Give some information on unique jobs (unit 7) Make predictions about life in the future (unit 8) Etc.

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