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Sports Technology: Case Studies

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1 Sports Technology: Case Studies
Learning objectives To understand the use of sports technology. To investigate 2 case studies involving hawk eye and swimsuit developments.

2 Sports Technology Advances in sports technology has been rapid over the last 4 years. A £15 million sport technology insituite has been built at Loughborough university to aid UK sport.

3 Sports Technology Projects have included the development of equipment, football boots, next generation sports clothing (i.e. under armour) and sports drinks/supplements (lucozade and creatine).

4 The impact of Hawk Eye – Case study 1
How does it work? Court/pitch side cameras us infra red beams to capture the balls motion. Camera frames are analysed every second and can predict possible ball flight. The first time this was used in a major competition was Wimbledon 2007.

5 The impact of Hawk Eye Its impact on sport?
This Hawk Eye technology in tennis has led to a change in rules. (3 challenges per set. If you are successful in a challenge you do not lose a challenge). Other sports. Hawk Eye technology has also been introduced into cricket.

6 The impact of hawk eye Is it a benefit to sport?
How has it been received? Players, officials and spectators seem to have embraced hawk eye. Players feel that the right decision is made and therefore has improved player/official relationships. Officials have less pressure on them as the technology is a definitive answer. Spectators appear to enjoy the build up in hawk eye delivering a verdict. (entertainment/drama)

7 The impact of Hawk Eye Is there any disadvantages of hawk eye?
Hawk eye gamesmanship – Players will ask for a challenge to take a breather or unsettle their opponent rhythm.

8 Swimsuits developments – Case study 2
How does it work? The high-performance swimsuit use a new high-technology swimwear fabric designed to hold the body in a more hydro-dynamic position and allows for better oxygen flow to muscles.

9 Is this due to better athletes or sports technology?
Swimsuits developments – Case study 2 Impact on swimming? Swimsuit technology has been linked to dramatic improvements in swimming times and world records. 25 world record times were broken at the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. Is this due to better athletes or sports technology?

10 Why are people debating the use of racer suits? Is it cheating?
Swimsuits developments – Case study 2 Why are people debating the use of racer suits? Is it cheating? Speedo's LZR Racer suit Benefits to swimming: Spectators have been entertained with world record times been shattered regardless of the athlete’s swimwear. Disadvantages: winning not due to pure athletes performance but due to better suit technology than competitors.

11 Coaches can compare, slow down and analysis technique using Dartfish.
Technology – coaching/officiating Many coaches will use video to record and analyse performances. This can highlight tactical and strategic points for reflection or match preparation. Coaches can compare, slow down and analysis technique using Dartfish.

12 Technology – coaching/officiating
Players recovering from injury can be put in oxygen tents. Altitude chambers stimulate altitude and bring about changes in the athletes oxygen carrying capacity.

13 Technology – coaching/officiating
Following controversial decisions at the Beijing Olympics taekwondo will now be using an electronic hit register and video replays.

14 What is carbo-loading? Athletes preparing for a long distance race will ‘load up’ on carbohydrates (glucose store) in the run up to the event. The hope is that the increased stores of glucose will release over the course of the event.

15 How can Heart rate monitors can help an athlete train?
Can target heart rate training zones to ensure training is of the highest possible standard.

16 Exam Style Questions. 1. How have performers and spectators benefited from advancements in sport technology? (4 marks) 2. Identify some possible negative effects of sponsorship for the performer and the sponsor themselves? (4 marks)

17 Exam Style Questions. 3. Advancements in technology have improved sport beyond all recognition. Evaluate the impact of technology on the performer, coach and spectator in the modern day sporting arena and discuss whether these advancements have improved sport (14 marks)

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