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Azure Data Storage Options

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1 Azure Data Storage Options
Jonathon Moorman Enterprise Data Architect


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8 Don’t forget Session Eval’s for Speakers!
Don’t forget Event Evals for xBox Raffle! Schedule is Online and in GuildBook App

9 Topics Welcome Azure Data Storage Options Data Movement (ETL) Options
Security Azure Sql Database Creating, backing up and restoring ASDs Maintenance Support and Troubleshooting Not supported in ASD

10 Basic Azure Concepts Subscriptions Resource groups Pricing Tiers
Physical grouping of resources Follows (loosely) SDLC Resource groups Logical grouping of resources Pricing Tiers Not as clear as it used to be PAAS vs IAAS Computes and DTUs

11 Data Storage Options File Storage (blobs, files, disks, tables, queues,…) Azure Search Azure Sql Database CosmosDb Azure Sql Datawarehouse Sql Managed Instance

12 Azure Storage Blobs: HIPPA compliant; text, binary; stored in containers Durable, Secure(encrypted by default ), Scalable, Managed, Accessible Azure Storage Explorer Disks: storages for managed/unmanaged VMs; OS, tmp and VHDs Files: fully managed file shares (on-prem/cloud) Queues: messages up to 64MB Azure Service Bus Tables: key/value pairs; NoSQL data store A table has entities (rows) which have properties (max 252) Deprecated? Azure File Shares for “life and shift”. Can replace on-prem files shares into Azure

13 Storage Configuration

14 Azure Sql Database Relational data store
From an application perspective, very similar to on-prem Sql Servers Machine Learning and Analytics Deeper dive shortly

15 Azure Search Microsoft’s take on ElasticSearch JSON based REST API
Accepts REGEX HIPPA compliant! Synonyms and relevance scoring Auto-complete Blob crawler Security:

16 CosmosDb Relational and big data rolled into one Schema-less
MS has been throwing a lot of money at this Formerly DocumentDb 5 consistency models Every column indexed Multi-tenant with global distribution Geo-fencing Latency guarantees (99% reads <10ms, <15ms writes) Change feed Azure portal is written on top of CosmosDb Multi homing: no config changes, it always knows where the closest (geographically) is Key value, column family, document (Mongo) or graph Good choice if shape of data changes a lot; really high speed (millions of transactions per second), petabytes of data

17 Azure Sql Datawarehouse
Parallel data warehouse in the cloud MPP massively parallel processing Built in compression Similar concerns as on-prem Columnstore and in-memory tables/indices have preempted the need for dedicated hardware

18 Azure Data Lake Analytics
Azure Data Lake is built on Azure blob storage (hierarchical directories) Do not need to copy/transform data You can using u-sql Similar to Hadoop HDFS Map/Reduce functionality Polybase Databricks Deprecated???

19 Managed Instance “cloud lifter” Buy storage
Can include SSIS, SSRS, jobs Port on-prem up to Azure

20 Data Movement Options SSIS in the cloud Azure Data Factory (v2) U-Sql
VM (IAAS) Azure Data Factory (v2) Server-less SSIS components U-Sql T-Sql / Powershell / bcp / bulk insert Azure Data Lake Storage gen2 Azure DataBricks Apache Hive on Azure HDInsight Azure Functions Azure Logic Apps Event Grid / Event Hub

21 Security Azure Active Directory Azure Key Vault
Asymmetric Key encryption Symmetric Key encryption Issue: Cannot use certificates! Data Masking TDE Service Principals

22 Service Principal

23 Azure Sql Database Backup/restore (copy) Geo-replication TDE
Automatic Tuning Long running queries Security alerts Elastic storage pools Query Editor

24 Not Supported in Azure Sql Db
(with workarounds!) 3 part object naming Service Broker (queues) Linked Servers Replication (geo-replication) Log Shipping (geo-replication) CDC (temporal tables) Sql Jobs (Azure jobs, IAAS, logic apps) SSIS as PAAS (Azure Data Factory, on prem or IAAS) SSRS as PAAS (Power BI, on prem or IAAS)

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