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Strategies and practices for sustainability of CBR

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1 Strategies and practices for sustainability of CBR
2nd CBR World Congress, Kualalampur September 27-29, 2016

2 Mr. K. Kempaiah, Manager – Programmes and Training Caritas India CBR Forum – Bengaluru, India Mobile:

3 Introduction CBR Forum works with PwDs, their family members and the community in the rural areas of India promoting CBR of PwDs since 1996. It works through its local NGO partners for the empowerment and inclusion of PwDs in the community using various strategies such as CBR, District Level Initiatives, Mainstreaming disability programmes, Fellowship programmes and Lifting barriers programmes.

4 Introduction … It also supports the activities of Disabled People’s Organizations for their empowerment and inclusion. Its interventions are supported by INGOs such as MISEREOR/KZE Germany, Light for the World, Austria and Caritas Germany. Currently it works with 65 NGO partners implementing 81 programmes in 18 states and 01 union territory of India currently reaching out to about 62,000 PwDs, their families and communities.

5 Strategies and practices for sustainability of CBR
What is sustainability? According to UN Bruntland Commission: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

6 Strategies … A three pronged strategy is suggested for bringing in sustainability of CBR. a. Empowerment through necessary training and capacity building exercises b. Creating a barrier free environment for mainstreaming and inclusion of PwDs c. Community organization through promotion of various grassroots level groups.

7 Strategies… Empowerment of PwDs, family members and the community stakeholders through training and capacity building – transfer of knowledge, developing skills and positive attitudes. Awareness/sensitization programmes for the community stake holders including PwDs and their family members covering: The needs and rights of PwDs Existing laws, policies and programmes Strategies to work with government for bringing the necessary changes. Need to have inclusive policies, programmes and services

8 Strategies… Mainstreaming PwDs at all levels:
Creating disability friendly environment by addressing various barriers that hinder their natural participation and inclusion. Ensuring the right attitudes amongst the other staff of the NGOs, general community and family members, the government officials and the elected people’s representatives on the rights and needs of PwDs

9 Strategies … Community mobilization through various grassroots level structures Disabled Peoples’ Organizations at different levels –village, block, district, state and national levels. Children Support Groups for promoting inclusion in schools and in the village communities Parent support groups for persons with severe and multiple disabilities Disability mainstreaming committees for creating conducive environment – to ensure inclusion of PwDs in all the socio- cultural, health, education, livelihood and political domains

10 Practices for sustainability
By bringing in policy level changes to include PwDs as staff and as General/Governing Body Members of the NGO Inclusion in the programmes, services and activities of the NGO partner by creating equal opportunities Facilitating inclusion in the general community activities, programs and schemes by urging the government By addressing accessibility issues within the organizations and in the living environment of PwDs.

11 Practices through CBR implementation
Ensuring effective participation of PwDs, their family members and other community stakeholders at all levels of project cycle – Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation (PIME). Working at the level of community, family and the individual concerned to identify and work on the barriers that hinder effective participation of the individual through comprehensive inclusion plans.

12 Practices through CBR…
Key results planned in all thematic areas as proposed in the WHO CBR Matrix – health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment Selection of local NGOs and local staff from the same project area (who are familiar with the local customs and practices) and capacitating them with necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes. Retaining the services of trained staff through constant motivation and encouragement.

13 Challenges … Sustaining the motivation level of the organizations and their staff Availability of credible, committed and active NGO partners to work with. Changing the attitudes, systems and practices followed by the government Fulfilling the expectations of the community - immediate solutions to all their problems Getting proper implementation of the existing laws, policies and programmes.

14 Conclusion CBR as a strategy for community empowerment and inclusion could be made a sustainable model provided the right knowledge and skills are transferred to the community. Mainstreaming PwDs through promoting a barrier free environment and the community structures formed and capacitated to take care of their own agenda forward.

15 Conclusion Careful planning, implementation and monitoring has to be done involving PwDs and other stakeholders right from the beginning. These steps certainly would bring in a high degree of sustainability to the interventions made and those that required in the long run.

16 Thank you all !!!

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