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Do the benefits out weigh the detriments of playing video games?

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Presentation on theme: "Do the benefits out weigh the detriments of playing video games?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do the benefits out weigh the detriments of playing video games?
By: Hunter Tollstrup

2 Why I asked this question
I’ve always been curious to see if playing video games could be good for you I also was curious of the negative affects of playing video games Why I asked this question

3 I already knew that playing video games made people less depressed and less stressed
I’ve also heard of risks of becoming addicted to the game What I already knew

4 I wanted to learn if playing video games could have more positive affects on you than negative
What I wanted to learn

5 How I went about my research
The first thing I did was look up articles on video games and the benefits of it The next thing I did was I read as much as I could about the detriments of playing too much video games How I went about my research The first thing I did was look up articles on video games and the benefits of it and it helped me see more benefits of gaming than what I already knew The next thing I did was I read as much as I could about the detriments of playing too much video games and I saw that there are a lot of detriments that I did not know of already.

6 What I learned I learned a lot of what I didn’t know before…
I learned that playing too much video games is going to be classified as an addiction What I learned I learned that playing too much video games is going to be classified as an addiction and it might be classified later in the year

7 I also learned that there are many benefits to gaming
Improving creativity in children Thinking of objects in 3 dimensions What I learned pt. 2 It improves creativity in children when compared to using any other technology when playing any first person game it improves people thinking of objects in 3 dimensions

8 What I learned pt. 3 Improves their cognitive thinking
Improves hand-eye coordination What I learned pt. 3

9 What I think about all this
I think that there are more benefits than detriments when playing video games What I think about all this I think that there are more benefits than detriments when playing video games but don’t play too much video games because there are still these risks that I mentioned

10 American Physiological Association, www. apa
American Physiological Association, Accessed 23 Jan. 2018 Tech Addiction, Accessed 23 Jan. 2018 Neuro Solution, Accessed 23 Jan. 2018 Works cited

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