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Mass Media and the Political Agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Mass Media and the Political Agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass Media and the Political Agenda
AP Government Mass Media and the Political Agenda

2 Government & Media

3 Primary Source of Info Most Americans get their information media sources (TV, Radio, Online, Print Media) Media platforms have replaced political parties as the primary source of information for virtually all Americans

4 Watchdog Function Journalists and other media members consider it their responsibility to monitor the personal conduct of government officials Constant media coverage has increased pressure on public officials Bill Clinton scandals Donald Trump’s past behavior

5 Agenda-Setting Function
Media decides which issues will receive coverage Influences public opinion and requires candidates and officeholders to address these issues

6 Changes in Media Consumer-driven media outlets and emerging technologies that reinforce existing biases and beliefs (Fox News, CNN) 24 hour news and online forums have replaced traditional news sources such as ABC, NBC and CBS Horse Race journalism -journalism of elections that resembles coverage of horse races because of the focus on polling data and public perception instead of candidate policy and almost exclusive reporting on candidate differences rather than similarities.

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