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Vendor Session Status Stage 1 and Stage 2 Errors

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1 Vendor Session Status Stage 1 and Stage 2 Errors
Presented by National Treasury 18 May 2018

2 Status – Stage 1 and Stage 2 Errors

3 Stage 1 – Outstanding Submissions
Overview of Outstanding Submissions Status of Outstanding Submissions per Vendor Percentage of Submissions/Errors per Number of Municipalities Vendor Vendor Responses to Questions/Challenges Data / Value Check

4 Stage 1 – Outstanding Submissions
Financial Data: Outstanding Monthly Submissions Data Type Muni’s Monthly MCUM ADJ PRAD TABB PRTA

5 Stage 1 – File Structure Errors
Financial Data: File Structure Errors Data Type Muni’s Monthly MCUM ADJ PRAD TABB PRTA

6 Stage 2 – Segment Errors Financial Data: Segment Errors
Data Type Muni’s Monthly MCUM ADJ PRAD TABB PRTA

7 Status – Outstanding Submissions Per Vendor

8 Stage 1 Errors – Monthly Submissions Outstanding Submissions Per Vendor
Number of Municipalities with Outstanding Monthly Submissions – 45

9 Stage 1 Errors – Adjusted Budget Submissions Outstanding Submissions Per Vendor
Number of Municipalities with Outstanding Adjustment Budget Submissions – 42

10 Stage 1 Errors – Project Details Adjusted Budget Submissions Outstanding Submissions Per Vendor
Number of Municipalities with Outstanding Project Details Adjustment Budget Submissions – 94

11 Stage 1 Errors – Tabled Budget Submissions Outstanding Submissions Per Vendor
Number of Municipalities with Outstanding Tabled Budget Submissions – 88

12 Stage 1 Errors – Project Details Tabled Budget Submissions Outstanding Submissions Per Vendor
Number of Municipalities with Outstanding Project Details Tabled Budget Submissions – 94

13   Percentage of Outstanding Submissions/Errors per Number of Municipalities per Vendor

14 Percentage of Stage 1 - Outstanding Submissions % Municipalities/Vendor
Vendors BCX BYT CAM FUJ JDE MST OSH BIQ RDT SAP SEB VES Number of Municipalities Per Vendor 48 23 37 1 55 8 4 16 5 38 21 Phase 1 - Outstanding Submissions Monthly 17% 9% 0% 11% 13% 25% 6% 20% 47% 33% ADJ 29% 4% 3% 40% 8% 38% PRAD 19% 100% 63% 42% 48% TABB 50% 22% 57% PRTA 52% 35% 14% 69% 60% 37% 67%

15 Percentage of Stage 1 - Outstanding Submissions % Municipalities/Vendor

16 Percentage of Stage 1 – Structure Errors % Municipalities/Vendor
Vendors BCX BYT CAM FUJ JDE MST OSH BIQ RDT SAP SEB VES Number of Municipalities Per Vendor 48 23 37 1 55 8 4 16 5 38 21 Phase 1 - File Structure Errors Monthly 0% 17% 3% 13% 19% 20% 5% ADJ 8% 4% 6% PRAD 21% 26% TABB 11% 38% PRTA 10%

17 Percentage of Stage 1 – Structure Errors % Municipalities/Vendor

18 Percentage of Stage 2 – Segment Errors % Municipalities/Vendor
Vendors BCX BYT CAM FUJ JDE MST OSH BIQ RDT SAP SEB VES Number of Municipalities Per Vendor 48 23 37 1 55 8 4 16 5 38 21 Phase 2 - Segment Errors Monthly 65% 57% 0% 31% 50% 25% 40% 13% 29% ADJ 63% 14% 100% 49% 11% 43% PRAD 2% 35% 75% 69% 20% 38% TABB 46% 17% 88% 8% PRTA 6% 21% 5%

19 Percentage of Stage 2 – Segment Errors % Municipalities/Vendor

20 Segment Correction Percentage Per Vendor
Group Description Segment Correct % ADJB PRAD M09 MCUM TABB PRTA Business Connexion ,00% 37,50% 29,17% 18,75% 4,17% 41,67% Bytes 78,26% 26,09% 21,74% 17,39% 47,83% Camelsa 81,08% 51,35% 97,30% 75,68% 45,95% Fujitsu 100,00% J D Edwards Munsoft 18,18% 52,73% 45,45% 32,73% 7,27% OS Holdings Quill 25,00% 50,00% R-Data 56,25% 6,25% 68,75% 43,75% 81,25% SAP 20,00% 40,00% 60,00% Sebata 81,58% 5,26% 36,84% 34,21% 18,42% Vesta 14,29% 9,52% 52,38% 38,10% 4,76% 19,05% Total 43,58% 23,35% 50,58% 42,80% 31,52% 26,46%

21 Number of Municipalities
Common Segment Errors Segment Error Type Number of Municipalities Sum of Charges and Recoveries and Trial Balance Errors (CO001 + CO002) 42 Capital projects can only have Item Assets or Payables and Accruals and Retentions (PC only against IA and IL and IL is valid) 17 Operation projects not valid against acquisitions or additions (PO not valid against IA002 level acquisitions or additions) 12 Oper Proj: Cost of Free Basic Services and Revenue Cost of Free Services and Property Rebates can only have Item Revenue or certain Item Assets (PO PO PO only against IR or IA OR IA is valid) 15 Default projects may NOT have Item Expenditure and Assets except for current assets and default items (PD not valid against IE or IA except IA001 OR IE018) 36 Remuneration of Councillors not against Mayor and Council (IE008 not against FX004) 4 Bulk purchase electricity not against Electricity IE not against FX or FX ) 10 Bulk purchases water not against Water (IE not against FX or FX ) 9 Inventory consumed:Water not against Water (IE not against FX or FX ) Default not valid (RX001 not valid) 24 Default Costing and default Expenditure not valid (CO003 and IE018 not valid) 7 Default Costing and default Revenue not valid (CO003 and IR004 not valid) 8

22 Projects Adjustments Budget - ERRORS

23 Projects Adjustments Budget - ERRORS

24 Vendor Responses to Process/System Questions

25 Vendor Responses to Function/Process Questions
Vendor Questions BCX BYT CAM MST BIQ RDT SAP SEB VES Data String Uploaded by Vendor OR Municipality Municipality Municipality 26 Vendor 12 Vendor Manipulates/ Edit Data File Before Submission No Yes Yes 1 No 37 Vendor Corrects Segment Errors On Behalf OF Municipality Yes 32 No 6 Vendor assists clients to take corrective action on validation issues arising from new votes created where needs raised Does General Ledger for Assets, Liabilities, Expenditure, Revenue, Gains and Losses RECONCILE to summary of Data String Accumulated M01 to M09 [Proof may be requested] If this question is referring to the Trail Balance and the data validation is amended then YES Yes 38 Data File Extracted and Uploaded Directly from System By Municipal Official WITHOUT Vendor Involvement Yes 11 No 27 Name of Municipal Official That Did Latest Submission Directly from System without Vendor Involvement BCX do not know the name of the municipal official (probably the person that is registered at NT for this purposes) that is responsible for any kind of submission to NT. Refer to Colum E, F, G, I and L - Jean Marais Michael Banton Not done yet Name is on the user password and file upload log. Unknown to vendor A,B and C Schedules Drawn Directly From the Financial System By the Municipality BCX do not know if Municipalities is using the functionality available on the system if they do then YES Yes 9 No 29 Vendor Participates Manually in Producing A,B and C Schedules on behalf of Municipality Before Submission Vendor Opens GL Accounts for Subsequent Changes After Official Closing of Accounts and Submission of Schedules to Council Yes 5 No 33

26 Vendor Responses to System/Municipal Challenges
Vendor Questions BCX BYT CAM FUJ JDE MST BIQ RDT SAP - Msunduzi SEB VES System Challenges None. Release 6.2 installed and rollout to all Municipalities. Non financial data string for debtors and creditors will be rolled out to Municipalities as from 20 May 2018. All functionality available on the system No Comment None No response from municipality Late release due to V6.2 in February Timeframes for the submission of budget, unforeseen changes made by councils. Accounts to be split for CHARGES and RECOVERIES. Application of the correct FUND segments for postings that occur via the bank statement. The use of the GR/IR account for goods receipts, service receipts, and invoice posting on capital projects. The NT portal validations does not allow this, but it is the standard method by which SAP operates for these postings. Mostly No No Specified Municipal Challenges In general (and also conveyed in previous meetings and mails) a lack of commitment, skill levels, recourse (money and people), etc. etc. etc. Capacity General SCOA adoption, user challenges Data Readiness - proper data readiness. The purification of data will take at least another 12 months as we go through to the learning curve. Availability of resources for workshops and meetings. Decision making and partnering on key issue Some Not Specified Many Municipalities do not use the system budget tool

27   Data / Value Check

28 GL and Data String Reconciliation
Stellenbosch Municipality Data String and GL Reconciliation Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M07 TOTAL Assets Data String ( ) 88 214 71 921 ( ) GL 12 652 Variance (0) ( ) Liabilities 4 517 (45 618) ( ) (55 539) 20 244 44 769 11 684 41 421 48 588 (36 904) Expenditure 41 919 49 615 71 309 48 099 46 480 48 570 5 011 48 087 46 332 56 858 38 510 36 908 12 148 (8 289) Revenue ( ) (90 397) ( ) (92 862) (94 479) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (94 331) ( ) (95 935) (4) (148) 8 289 (8 137) Total Variance (79)

29 Value Check – Compare Actual Expenditure to Budget

30 Thank you

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