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First person & third person point of view The Mayflower School - 7th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "First person & third person point of view The Mayflower School - 7th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 first person & third person point of view The Mayflower School - 7th grade

2 What is a point of view?  It is the angle or perspective from which a story is told.  It allows the reader to get inside a character’s head.

3 First person point of view ● The character tells the story. ● Uses pronouns: I,we Example: We helped those people yesterday.

4 listen to the following examples

5 Third person point of view ● The na rrator is the one that tells the story. ● Uses pronouns: He, she, it, they ● There are two types: Omniscient and Limited Example: 1.Omniscient: She felt she was about to faint and didn’t know what to do. 2. Limited: The policemen helped those people yesterday.

6 listen to the following examples

7 Transform the following sentences Third-person point of viewFirst-person point of view He went to the cinema with friends. They bought apples at the market. We organized a school trip. I finished all my homework yesterday.

8 Reading: The zebra Storyteller - Spencer Holst - What is the story about? - Who tells the story?

9 keystone page 92-93  In pairs, you will retell the story “The Zebra Storyteller”.  This story is told from a __________ person point of view, so you will have to write it in a _________ person point of view.

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