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Understanding Human Rights in Cities

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1 Understanding Human Rights in Cities
Understanding Human Rights in Cities -Training Workshop - SESSION 2 - Quick Glossary May 2015 QUICK GLOSSARY on HRBA Understanding Human Rights in Cities Training Workshop 20/04/2015 UN Habitat, Housing Unit, HSUB

HRBA focuses on the capacity of the State at all levels (all branches of the State and all sectors of government, at the national, provincial, municipal level) to meet its obligations to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. To respect human rights means simply not to interfere with their enjoyment. To protect human rights means to take steps to ensure that third parties do not interfere with their enjoyment. To fulfill human rights means to take steps progressively to realize the right in question. Rights-holders  Given the universal nature of human rights, every individual is a rights-holder and entitled to the same rights without distinction of any kind such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. 20/04/2015

3 CAPACITY of Right Holders and Duty Bearers
Capacity development The UN Common Understanding on HRBA calls for programming strategies that develop the capacities of rights-holders to claim their rights and duty-bearers to fulfil their obligations. Capacity gap analysis Capacity gap analysis identifies the main capacities that both rights holders and duty-bearers need to perform their roles in claiming rights and meeting obligations. Under a HRBA, the critical capacities are: - Knowledge - Access to and control of resources (human, technical and financial) - Organizational abilities - Responsibility, motivation, and leadership - Authority 20/04/2015

4 CAUSALITY ANALYSIS Immediate causes refer to the status of the persons who suffer the problem or of their close environment (family and/or community) Underlying causes are often the consequence of policies, laws and availability of resources. Root/structural causes reveal conditions that require long-term interventions. 20/04/2015

5 ROLE PATTERN ANALYSIS Role-Pattern analysis examines the relationship between rights-holders and duty-bearers. For any development challenge, and one or more rights going unfulfilled (claims), it establishes the actual entitlements of rights holders, as established in human rights standards, and the corresponding obligations of duty-bearers. Normative foundation in International Law 20/04/2015

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