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Husky Showcase Poster Judge Orientation

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1 Husky Showcase Poster Judge Orientation
Spring 2019

2 Overview of Process Poster judging is team undertaking
We will divide into two groups and visit 9 poster presentations-- eight poster finalists and one applied experience finalist Overview of Process

3 Husky Compact Dimension of the Year
Act with Personal Integrity and Civic Responsibility Nurture communities that enhance the well-being of self, others, and the environment Work to make a difference in the civic life of our communities Exercise informed and responsible action to address ethical societal and environmental challenges

4 Checking In on the Day of the Event
Please arrive no later than 8:45 a.m. at the AMC Iris Room (Atwood Center Second Floor). It’s here that you will receive your nametag and badge, a list of students to evaluate and evaluation forms We will be evaluating the posters displayed in the Atwood Main Lounge between 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Checking In on the Day of the Event


6 AMC Iris Room and Ballroom

7 Mary Soroko will be serving as the lead judge for this part of the program
Mary Soroko Herberger Business School Please contact her with questions or let her know if you can’t make it on the day of the program Lead Judge

8 Team Judging Responsibilities
Enforce time limits for each student presentations 5 to 6 minutes to present 3 minutes for Q&A Team Judging Responsibilities

9 Poster Evaluation Rubric
A different rubric is used to evaluate applied experience projects

10 Identifying Winning Students
Between 10:30and 11:00 a.m. judges will meet in the Iris Room to select the winners Best & Runner-Up Graduate poster presentation Best & Runner-Up Undergraduate poster presentation Best Applied Experience display Refreshments will be available in the Primrose Room Identifying Winning Students

11 Award winners will be recognized at the closing ceremony at 5:15 p. m
Award winners will be recognized at the closing ceremony at 5:15 p.m. in Atwood Cascade If you have any questions, please contact Mary Soroko at or Thank You!

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