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Rising 10th grade Registration Presentation

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1 Rising 10th grade Registration Presentation
Presented by the LHS Counseling Department

2 Graduation Requirements…
Testing AND 21 credits in Specific Areas

3 Testing Class of 2022 3 Options
2. Earn “remediation-free” score on admission exams of ACT or SAT. 3. Recognized credential or state-issued license for practice in a career & a score showing workforce readiness on the Work Key Assessment. (Career Tech) 1. Earn 18 points on end-of-course exams in: Algebra 1 & Geometry Minimum 4 total pts English 9 & 10 Biology US History & Government Minimum 6 pts combined

4 Credits you need… English – 4 Math – 4 Science – 3 Social Studies – 3
including Algebra 2 Science – 3 Physical Science, Biology & Advanced Science Social Studies – 3 World, US History, & Government Health – ½ PE – ½ total of 2 classes Electives – 6 6

5 Selecting a Level in Core Classes…
If you are getting a ‘D’ or ‘F’ you may want to consider moving down a level. Alg 1 CP – ‘D’ consider taking Geometry General If you are getting an ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ then you need to stay or move up a level. Ex: English 9 Gen – ‘B+’ consider taking English 10 CP

6 Core class options English Biology US History Math General
College Prep (CP) Honors (H) Biology General/College Prep US History General/College Prep Honors (H) Advanced Placement (AP) Math Geometry Geometry CP Algebra II H

7 Other 10th grade suggested courses
PE - semester Movement and Fitness Competition and Fitness Team Sports Lifetime Fitness Women’s Lifetime Fitness Health – semester “Most” students take health during 9th grade Both of these courses may be taken in Summer School PE Waivers should be turned in as soon as requirement is completed. 3

8 Remember --- College Bound
Foreign Language 3 credits are encouraged Contact colleges of interest for their requirements Fine Art At least one credit recommended for college Art, Band, Choir

9 Earning College Credit
College Credit Plus: Eligible students can take a course and earn high school and college credit that appears on both their high school and college transcripts. All courses offered through College Credit Plus-even courses offered in the high school-must be the same course that the college offers. The course must apply to a degree or professional certificate. To be eligible, students must meet the admission standards of the participating college or university to which they apply for enrollment and test “remediation free” on a college placement test. There is no cost for the student to participate in College Credit Plus when the student is enrolled in a public college or university. If you are interested in participating, you MUST fill out a Letter of Intent Form by APRIL 1st! If you are considering participating in CCP courses either at LHS or on a college campus, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you register for the April ACT!

10 Apply to the appropriate college by May 1st
If you are planning on registering for ANY of the following CCP courses offered at LHS next year, you MUST: Turn in a CCP Intent Form AND Contract by APRIL 1st to the Counseling Office Apply to the appropriate college by May 1st English Composition I Pre-Calculus Statistics Chemistry Child Development Speech General Psychology Government ASL Sign Language (pending requests) Western Civilization (pending requests) Medical Terminology (Senior Health Tech) Intro to Sociology PLTW Biomed (Juniors) PLTW Computer Science Botany (pending requests) Zoology (pending requests)

11 10th grade Elective Options

12 NCAA Eligibility

13 Honors Diploma Options

14 Schedule Changes The student registration process is one of the most important functions that a student performs each year. It determines the courses the school will offer, development of student scheduling, and how the school utilizes its staff. When a student completes the registration process, he/she enters into a contract with the school. LHS asks its students to be most careful and accurate in selecting their courses each year. Talk to upperclass students and teachers about your course selections. Read the LHS Program of Studies for course descriptions. The deadline for requesting course changes is June 1st The only schedule changes made during the school year will be for a failed class that must be repeated, a change in academic level, or a change based on the recommendation of the course teacher.

15 Registration Timeline
March – Coming into English courses to take requests Beginning of April– Request lists to Teachers for comments/concerns May 3– Requests sent home with interims Beginning of May– Requests distributed to students for signature/review and be returned to counseling office June 1 – Last day to request change of courses

16 Access Program of Studies
Go to the Lancaster High School Website Click the Guidance and Counseling Department on the left hand side OR Academic Resources Registration Information Access and Read the Program of Studies

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