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Beam-time, June 2009 Beam-time, Oct days of beam time

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2 Beam-time, June 2009 Beam-time, Oct. 2009 8 days of beam time
5 days datataking Beam-time, Oct. 2009 15 days + 3 days ’rescheduled’ PS injection septum replacement. 9 days lost (4 were planned for MD). 4 days used for setting up + calibration 5 days datataking (<half of original aim)



5 Logarithmic t dependence
Transition between Bethe-Heitler and LPM regimes: ’Radiation per interaction as a function of number of scatterings’

6 October 2009 run ’Spin-flip’
Energies investigated: 10, 20, 50, 100, 120 and 150 GeV with spin Enhancement without spin Preliminary analysis Preliminary analysis

7 Quantum suppression Previous measurements in tungsten supplemented by values in the ’transition region’ from classical to quantum synchrotron radiation. Spin-flip contribution measured in the same region. Analysis in progress, final results expected summer ‘10

8 Quantum suppression J. Esberg (NA63) – CTF3, GUINEA-PIG implementation
From: J. Esberg (NA63) – CTF3, GUINEA-PIG implementation

9 A substantially decreased energy loss for thin targets as the Lorentz factor increases – the ‘Ogle effect’ - is incompatible with our measurements. A disappearance of the density effect, when becomes longer than the target, is possible.

10 Proposals

11 Low-Z LPM Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) measurements at SLAC (1995) and CERN (2001) indicate that there may be problems with low-Z targets. We propose to test LPM theory in low-Z targets (10 days requested, 6 days scheduled 2010)

12 Magnetic suppression If the deflection angle over half a formation length exceeds the ‘emission angle’ which happens for photons: Suppression (crude model): More elaborate theory needed...

13 Magnetic suppression Material immaterial.
(Same as S on previous slide) Material immaterial. Higher fields move effect to higher photon energies. Magnitude insensitive

14 Magnetic suppression I. Efthymiopoulos: MBWs available, questions about zone-extension to be clarified Request: 2 weeks in 2011

15 Heavy ion bremsstrahlung
33 TeV Pb82+ → Pb82+ γ = 170 Intact projectile Weizsäcker-Williams type calculation Scattering on a single rigid object of charge Ze and mass M Approx. binding energy per nucleon Coherent scattering on Z quasi-free protons each of mass Mp Wavelength corresp. to nuclear size Incoherent scattering on individual quasi-free protons

16 Theory Now Previous theories
BS never becomes the dominating mechanism in energy loss

17 Planned experiment: 33 TeV Pb82+ → Pb82+ γ = 170 δ - electrons
BGO 0.1 – 2 GeV LG 2 – 200 GeV 2 mm Pb Charge +82

18 Multiple Sampling Ionization Chamber (MUSIC)
Charge state identification

19 Background: δ - electrons
These events can be ’flagged’ Pb82+ → γ prop. to Δt thin targets => ’low’ countrate Pb82+ → δ electron → γ prop. to Δt2

20 Electromagnetic dissociation
Target selections in simulations chosen with 2.5% and 5% fragmentation.

21 Silicon target 25 Fragmentation
We propose to measure for targets with Z values of 6, 13, 14, 29, 50, 73 and 82, mounted on a remote-controlled target-wheel. 7 days of running with 33 TeV Pb82+ extracted to the SPS H4 beamline in 2012.

22 Possibility with silicon
Impact parameter dependence (?)

23 Strong interest (L. Rinolfi, CERN) in positron-production studies with aligned crystals – to be used for e.g. CLIC, LHeC High multiplicity and ’low’ energies (10 MeV e+) NA63 cannot measure this with the present setup and manpower Applications for funding in preparation (deadline nov. ’10)

24 Summary Done in 2009: Proposed:
Logarithmic thickness dependence BH -> LPM (published) ‘Ogle effect’ – changing dE/dx in thin targets (published) ‘Spin-flip’ in radiation emission (analysis in progr.) Quantum synchrotron radiation emission (analysis in progr.) Proposed: Low-Z LPM (2010, 6 days) Magnetic suppression (2011, 2 weeks) Heavy ion bremsstrahlung (2012, 7 days) Positron production in crystals – possibilities under study

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