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Democracy in Athens Lesson 2.

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1 Democracy in Athens Lesson 2

2 Background 508 BCE – power struggle through Athens
Isagoras (city’s leading judge) was trying to crush a movement for Democracy He invited leaders from the city-state of Sparta to help him defeat this trend Exiled Cleisthenes (popular democratic leader) and more than 700 families who supported democracy out of Athens Athenian people began to fight back. Spartans were excellent soldiers, but the Athenians had a benefit in numbers Spartans surrendered, Cleisthenes returned, and the democratic movement continued.

3 Experimenting with Forms of Government
Oligarchy: political power is held by a small group of people. (In Greece, these people were called the aristocrats) -Draco: one of the council leaders who was part of the Greek aristocracy - created a legal code that specified harsh punishment for all offenses, serious & minor crimes - today people still use the word draconian to describe laws that seem unnecessarily harsh & severe

4 Military Tactic Changes Government
Power soon starts to shift into the hands of more people, many believe due to the way that Greek armies began to be organized Phalanx: a formation of heavily armed foot soldiers who moved together as a unit (Before this, soldiers would organize in a row with overlapping shields. Each man’s shield would help protect his neighbor. Would hold the shield with the left arm & spear or sword with the right.) Because they traveled on foot, they didn’t need to be wealthy enough to afford a horse & could spend this $ on their shields & weapons Because the phalanx was better at protecting their societies, men began to use their voices more in government. Aristocrat leaders risked losing power if they did not consider the interest of the men using their voices. Each city-state set up their own form of government, leaving great political variety in the Greek world.

5 Tyrannies Tyranny: government run by a strong ruler
Usually tyrants were members of the aristocracy Won support by promising land & other benefits to the poor Did not allow others to play a significant role in government BUT were not always bad rulers. In some city-states they governed fairly & worked to improve life for ordinary people (often tried but could not fulfill their promises) Others ruled harshly

6 World’s First Democracy (C I V I C S !!!)
594 BCE Athenian aristocrats chose Solon to lead the polis He ended the practice of selling people in debt into slavery Gave some non-aristocratic men the right to vote This set the path to democracy

7 Later Reforms 508 BCE leader named Cleisthenes made several reforms that reduced the power of the rich Increased the # of people who could vote, extending voting to some lower class individuals Increased the power of the assembly, which included all male citizens Assembly met to discuss political issues & make decisions for the city-state 461 BCE Athens created citizen juries

8 The Age of Pericles 450s BCE – Created the world’s first official democracy (direct democracy) Began paying citizens for participating in jury service & other civic duties (helped poor people to take part in government) Began citizenship. Instead of people living as subjects, they now lives as participants.

9 Education’s Role in Democracy
Education that they received was designed to produce well-rounded citizens Most education was reserved for boys, some girls could read & write Started school at the age of 7 Studied literature, physical education and music 420s BCE higher education began Lecturer style Focused on mathematics & public speaking

10 How did Athenian Democracy Work? Business of Government
Main political body of Athens was the assembly All free adult male citizens had the right to attend Meetings took place 40 times a year Everyone who attended had the right to speak no matter the social class 500 person council, known as a boule was also a key component Council helped decide which issues should come before assembly Members were chosen at random, had to be male

11 The Courts Had many different courts, each decided different types of cases Juries made up of citizens served in courts, deciding cases by majority vote Athenian juries were much larger than modern juries (ranged from several hundred to several thousands on a single jury) Additional laws were based to discourage bribery

12 Did Athenian Democracy have Limitations?
Athens was not completing democratic. Women could not vote or hold office Foreigners could never become citizens Slaves had no rights

13 Direct & Representative Democracy
YOU LEARNED THIS LAST YEAR!!! Direct democracy: political system in which citizens participate directly in decision making (small populations) Athens Representative democracy: citizens elect others to represent them in government (larger populations)

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