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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

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1 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Expenses and Deductions Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) May 2019

2 VDSS’ Mission and Vision Statements
People helping people triumph over poverty, abuse and neglect to shape strong futures for themselves, their families and communities. A Commonwealth in which individuals and families have access to adequate, affordable, high quality human/social services that enable them to be the best they can.

3 Objective

4 Put your thinking caps on and lets get started

5 Allowable Shelter Expenses
SNAP Allowable Shelter Expenses SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 2 and 7 CFE 273.9(d)(6)..

6 Utilities SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X , Page 2 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(6)(ii)(C)

7 Standard Utility Allowance (SUA)
SNAP Manual Volume V , Part X, Page 3 and 7 CFR 73.9(d)(6)(iii)

8 Telephone Standard (TS)
SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X , Page 5 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(6)(iii)(A)

9 Expenses that aren’t allowed

10 Monthly SNAP Benefit Amount

11 The (7) allowable SNAP Income Deductions are as follows: CHEESE-D
SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 1 and 7 CFR 273.9

SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 8 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(5)

SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 8 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(6)(i)

14 Earned Income Deduction
SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 1 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(2)

15 Excess Medical Deduction
SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, page 6 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(3)

16 STANDARD DEDUCTION SNAP Volume V, Part X, Page 1 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(1) Each household is entitled to a standard deduction from the total gross income of the household. The amount of the deduction is dependent on the number of eligible household members.

SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 2 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(6)(ii) A household is entitled to a shelter deduction when shelter and utility expenses (total shelter cost) are more than 50 percent of the monthly countable gross income after all other deductions. Deduction cannot exceed the maximum shelter deduction limit established for the area (currently $552.00), unless the household contain an elderly or disabled member.

18 Dependent Care Deduction
SNAP Manual Volume V, Part X, Page 1 and 7 CFR 273.9(d)(4) Payments for dependent care when necessary for a household member to search for, accept or continue employment, comply with the employment and training requirements.   Costs that may be deducted are limited to the care of an individual for whom the household provides dependent care.(amount incurred) a child under the age of 18 an incapacitated person of any age in need of care. An expense that could qualify as a dependent care expense or a medical expense may be allowed as either, dependent care or medical, but not both. (ex: elderly care)


20 apply to every SNAP household.
Not every deduction will apply to every SNAP household. We will do 4 computations and everyone with have the following information: 5 person household $800.00/gross monthly earned income $750.00/gross monthly unearned income M/R Expense= $900.00 $387.00/SUA $160.00/earned income deduction $204.00/standard deduction Standard Deduction Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) 1-3 member $164.00 $311.00 4 member $174.00 4 or more $387.00 5 members $204.00 Telephone Standard (TS) 6 or more members $234.00 $61.00

21 SNAP Computation (Example #1)
(HH doesn’t contain an elderly or disabled member) SNAP Computation (5 person HH) $ Gross monthly earned income Gross monthly unearned income (Child Support) Standard deduction Earned income deduction 0.00 Dependent care deduction 0.00 Child support deduction $ / Monthly Medical Expense $ Medical Expense deduction ($200 if > $35.00) $1, ÷ 2 = $ (50 % adjusted income)) Shelter Costs Rent/Mortgage Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), Actual or TS $ Total Shelter Costs % of adjusted income Excess Shelter Cost deduction ($552.00/max, unless H/H contains an elderly or disabled member $ Net Monthly income 5 person HH with a net income of $634.00 Monthly benefits amount= $___571.00__________

22 Eligibility Summary, Example #1

23 SNAP Computation (Example #2)
(HH contain a disabled member) SNAP Computation (5 person HH) $ Gross monthly earned income Gross monthly unearned income (SSI) Standard deduction Earned income deduction 0.00 Dependent care deduction 0.00 Child support deduction $ / Monthly Medical Expense $ Medical expense deduction ($200 if > $35.00)   $1, ÷ 2 = $ (50 % of adjusted income)   Shelter Costs Rent/Mortgage Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), Actual or TS $ Total Shelter Costs % of adjusted income Excess Shelter Cost deduction ($552.00/max, unless H/H contains an elderly or disabled member) $ Net Monthly income  5 person HH with a net income of $492.00 Monthly benefit amount = ______$614.00______

24 Eligibility Summary, Example #2

25 SNAP Computation (Example #3)
(The disabled HH member has $150.00/month in allowable medical expenses) SNAP Computation (5 person HH) $ Gross monthly earned income Gross monthly unearned income (SSI) Standard deduction Earned income deduction Dependent care deduction Child support deduction $ /Monthly Medical Expense $ Medical expense deduction ($200 if > $35.00)   $ ÷ 2 = $ (50 % of adjusted income)    Shelter Costs Rent/Mortgage Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), Actual or TS $ Total Shelter Costs %% of adjusted income Excess Shelter Cost deduction ($552.00/max, unless H/H contains an elderly or disabled member) $ Net Monthly income 5 person HH with a net income of $192.00 Monthly benefits amount= ______$704.00______

26 Eligibility Summary, Example #3

27 SNAP Computation (Example #4)
The mother works full- time, the dad stays at home to watch their three children. They pay a babysitter $150.00/month for watching the kids every Wednesday because the dad needs a break. The mother also pays $300.00/month in court ordered child support for a child that doesn’t reside in the household. SNAP Computation (5 person HH) $ Gross monthly earned income Gross monthly unearned income (RSDI)-Survivors benefits Standard deduction Earned income deduction Dependent care deduction Child support deduction $ /Monthly Medical Expense $ Medical deduction ($200 if > $35.00)   $ ÷ 2 = $ (50 % of adjusted income)    Shelter Costs Rent/Mortgage Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), Actual or TS $ Total Shelter Costs % of adjusted income) Excess Shelter Cost deduction ($552.00/max, unless H/H contains an elderly or disabled member) $ Net Monthly income  5 person HH with a net income of $334.00 Monthly Issuance= ______$661.00______

28 Eligibility Summary, Example #4


30 Contact: Jerome Solomon, SNAP Program Consultant Sr, Division of Benefit Programs

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