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ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Municipal Operations ANNUAL STORMWATER TRAINING Interlocal Stormwater Working Group 2017 March 25, 2017

2 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Introductions Name Municipality Role/Title (Introduce ourselves on next slide) Sign in sheet Bathrooms

3 Interlocal Stormwater Working Group
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Interlocal Stormwater Working Group CCSWCD facilitates the ISWG group Brings together 14 communities in the Greater Portland and Saco areas to work together on stormwater issues

4 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Clean Water Act Regulated municipalities must have a permit to direct runoff to water bodies in their communities and must meet requirements to minimize pollution. Federal Clean Water Act dictates that Regulated municipalities must have a permit to direct runoff to water bodies in their communities and requirements to minimize pollution must be met.

5 Regulatory Background
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Regulatory Background Federal Authority National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) State Delegated Authority Maine Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (MPDES) CLEAN WATER ACT > Authorizes Environmental Protection Agency > Authorizes Maine DEP Maine program administered by DEP 40 stormwater permits issued under the program 30 municipalities, 10 “other” agencies (transportation agencies, public universities, prisons, military bases, and other state and federal facilities) March 25, 2017

6 Municipal Permit Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Municipal Permit Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) 5-year permit cycles, first permit issued in 2003 Additional regulations in each permit cycle Next permit due in 2018 Municipal permit is known as the MS4 permit (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Program has been around for a while; first permits issued in 2003 Updated every 5 years Each permit builds on the previous permit - new and increased requirements with each new permit Next permit 2018

7 Municipal Permit Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Municipal Permit Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Public Education & Outreach Public Involvement & Participation Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Construction Site Runoff Control Post-Construction Stormwater Management Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Municipal permit has extensive requirements within these categories We’re focusing in on Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping – with Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination getting some of our attention as well

8 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans Operation & Maintenance Plans
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans Operation & Maintenance Plans SWPPP required for transfer stations, bus depots, and DPW facilities O&M Plans required for municipal activities and facilities with the potential to pollute water Who here works at a DPW? Who has seen the SWPPP? Who here works at another municipal facility? Who has seen the O&M Plan for your facility? March 25, 2017

9 Activities & Pollutants
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Activities & Pollutants . . . that may have the potential to impact water SWPPPs and O&M plans address the activities performed and potential pollutants used in day-to-day municipal work. March 25, 2017

10 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Activities Vehicle and Equipment Materials Management Facilities Maintenance Construction Vehicle & equipment Washing, maintenance, storage, fueling Materials management Storage, handling, use Facilities maintenance Painting, cleaning, heating and cooling Construction Sedimentation & erosion control, trash & debris, dust control, dewatering March 25, 2017

11 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Pollutants Sand Salt Gasoline Diesel Detergents Paint What else? What can we do to minimize the impacts of these materials? March 25, 2017

12 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Keep In Mind March 25, 2017

13 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Two types of BMPs NON-STRUCTURAL Operational and maintenance practices that prevent pollutants from entering runoff STRUCTURAL Engineered and constructed systems that collect and/or treat runoff Who knows what BMP stands for? BMPs can be categorized as either structural or non-structural Structural = something you can touch – a building, a barrier Non-structural = something you do – sweep, clean up spills Basically – there are things that you can DO and things that you can BUILD or BUY to help minimize pollution March 25, 2017

14 Keep In Mind: Best Management Practices
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Keep In Mind: Best Management Practices Structural BMP? What here is a structural BMP – something you can build or buy? What is a non-structural BMP that can be done here? I want you all to be thinking about structural and non-structural BMPs for each activity and pollutant that we discuss. Non-structural BMP? March 25, 2017

15 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Keep In Mind: Training All employees/ subcontractors annually New employees within 6 months of being hired Maintain all training records Send copy of records to the municipal Stormwater Coordinator Permit requires annual training; training for new employees within 6 months Must be tracked and reported THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! March 25, 2017

16 Keep In Mind: Floor Drains
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Keep In Mind: Floor Drains Know where floor drains discharge Inspect/clean regularly and keep documentation Keep spill kits nearby Minimize water use NEVER dump chemicals down storm drains NEVER connect floor drains to storm sewer or the environment Why do we care about floor drains? Know where they connect Don’t dump chemicals In the event of a spill, protect the floor drain – otherwise costly clean up March 25, 2017

17 Facilities Management
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Facilities Management March 25, 2017

18 Facilities Management: Dumpsters & Waste Handling
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Facilities Management: Dumpsters & Waste Handling Locate dumpsters on concrete or paved areas Only use dumpsters for solid waste Keep lids closed and drains plugged Keep on concrete or paved areas. Keep lids closed and drains plugged. What’s wrong with this picture? March 25, 2017

19 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Facilities Management: Dumpsters & Waste Handling Report damage or leaking NEVER dump: Chemicals Hazardous waste Universal waste Special waste Solid waste only! No liquids! What’s RIGHT with this picture? March 25, 2017

20 Facilities Management: Janitorial Procedures
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Facilities Management: Janitorial Procedures Use the least amount of product for the job Store cleaning products in original container NEVER dump mop water, chemicals, or cleaners: Outside In storm drains or sumps In floor drains Use least amount of product for the job Store products in original, labeled containers NEVER dump mop water outside, into stormdrains, or into floor drains Where SHOULD mop water be dumped March 25, 2017

21 Facilities Management: Painting Procedures
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Facilities Management: Painting Procedures Use impermeable ground cloths (tarps, plastic sheeting) Store materials away from stormwater Clean up spills immediately Clean up paint using dry methods (paint thinners/solvents create hazardous waste) Avoid overspray – use tarps to protect the ground Keep materials and equipment inside Clean up any spills Clean up paint using dry methods - March 25, 2017

22 Facilities Management: Parks Clean-Up & Maintenance
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Facilities Management: Parks Clean-Up & Maintenance Empty trash regularly Report erosion issues and spills to stormwater coordinator Store deicers in closed containers Use dry sweeping to clean walkways/parking lots - NEVER wash down or sweep into storm drains Trash management – don’t let the litter get everywhere, empty trash regularly Report any observed erosion issues OF COURSE report any spills found Store deicing agents in closed containers Don’t wash down walkways parking lots – always sweep March 25, 2017

23 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Vehicles & Equipment March 25, 2017

24 Vehicles & Equipment: Fueling
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Vehicles & Equipment: Fueling Fuel municipal vehicles at designated fuel island or vendor Inspect fueling area regularly Immediately respond and report all spills What else can we say about safe & responsible fueling? Don’t top off Don’t leave pump unattended March 25, 2017

25 Vehicles & Equipment: Mobile Fueling
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Vehicles & Equipment: Mobile Fueling Level paved surface Never near storm drains or waterbodies If you were this poor sap – where would you refuel? Choose a level paved surface when mobile fueling NEVER fuel vehicles or equipment near storm drains or water bodies March 25, 2017

26 Vehicles & Equipment: Washing
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Vehicles & Equipment: Washing Wash vehicles and equipment inside Use phosphate free soap NEVER wash engine/undercarriage outside NEVER wash near storm drains, catch basins, ditches, water bodies, or drinking water wells Inside is best! If not possible, outside OK if the area doesn’t drain to a wetland / waterbody or the stormdrain system Use phosphate free soap NEVER engine / undercarriage wash outside March 25, 2017

27 Vehicles & Equipment: Storage/ Maintenance
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Vehicles & Equipment: Storage/ Maintenance Inspect storage/maintenance areas regularly Store vehicles and equipment on paved area Completely drain oil filters before disposal NEVER conduct maintenance near storm drains NEVER hose down the work area Regular inspections of storage areas to ensure no uncaptured leaks Always store vehicles on paved area – leaks onto earth are MUCH more expensive to clean up Know where your stormdrains are – don’t do work where a potential spill will drain to catch basins or water ways Be smart about oil filters – they are a big source of unnecessary oil leaks Sweep – don’t hose down work areas March 25, 2017

28 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Vehicles & Equipment: Storage/ Maintenance Hydraulic lines – cap or plug them Clean up drips March 25, 2017

29 Landscaping & Outdoors
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Landscaping & Outdoors THIS is a rain garden – this gorgeous thing was designed to treat stormwater! March 25, 2017

30 Landscaping & Outdoors: Lawn Care
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Landscaping & Outdoors: Lawn Care Mow only as low as needed Leave grass clippings on lawn Water at appropriate times Re-seed or mulch bare soil What’s ideal height for grass health? 3” What are appropriate times to water? Morning is best Why shouldn’t materials be stockpiled on ledge March 25, 2017

31 Landscaping & Outdoors: Fertilizer Storage & Application
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Landscaping & Outdoors: Fertilizer Storage & Application Never apply fertilizer within: 5 ft of pavement 25 ft of storm drain inlet 50 ft of stream/water body Keep all records Use proper storage Use soil tests before applying fertilizer Never apply fertilizer within: How many feet from pavement? 5 feet. Easy enough to estimate. 1 Jodie. How many feet from storm drain inlet? 25 feet. Roughly the width of 2 turnpike lanes. How many feet from a water body? 50 feet. Just more than a school bus. Or the WIDTH of a basketball court. If you are near a stream, pond, wetland – you should have a school bus between you and it. March 25, 2017

32 Landscaping & Outdoors: Pesticide Storage & Application
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Landscaping & Outdoors: Pesticide Storage & Application Use licensed commercial pesticide applicator Keep records of when/where materials are applied Consider weather forecast before application Use licensed applicators Keep all records OF COURSE consider weather forecast March 25, 2017

33 Landscaping & Outdoors: De-Icing Practices
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Landscaping & Outdoors: De-Icing Practices Clear snow as soon as possible Store deicers in closed containers Minimize use of salt and sand Store deicing agents in CLOSED containers Clear snow as soon as possible – don’t let it become blocks of ice Use minimum amount of sand and salt needed for the job March 25, 2017

34 Landscaping & Outdoors: Wildlife
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Landscaping & Outdoors: Wildlife Wildlife do not need to be fed Human food makes animals overweight and undernourished KEEP WILDLIFE WILD! Duck feeding is fun for families, but it’s a big problem for clean water and wildlife health! Keep wildlife wild. Wildlife don’t need to be fed. They always have plenty of natural food. March 25, 2017

35 Erosion & Sedimentation Control
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Erosion & Sedimentation Control March 25, 2017

36 Erosion vs. Sedimentation SPECIAL NOTE
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Erosion vs. Sedimentation SPECIAL NOTE Special note . . . Which one depicts erosion? Which depicts sedimentation? Is it better to prevent erosion or control sedimentation? Who has heard of “RUN – ON?” March 25, 2017

37 Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Materials Storage
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Materials Storage Stockpiling issues. What could be done here? What BMPs would you recommend here? March 25, 2017

38 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Materials Storage Tarp it Contain it March 25, 2017

39 Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Tracking
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Tracking Tracking is a big problem. Cumulative effect is huge. What BMPs would you recommend for tracking?

40 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Tracking Stabilized construction entrance, street sweeper for larger projects Broom for small jobs

41 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Inlet Protection Inlet protection must be maintained in good condition Care must also be used when removing these; MORE THAN ONE PERSON is needed

42 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Ditch Line Stabilization Jute netting Check dams Straw wattle – staked in, of sufficient height Erosion control mulch – not just chipped material March 25, 2017

43 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Silt Fence A big mess Silt fence with vegetated buffer – not right at the edge of the disturbed ground

44 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Permanent vs. Temporary Site Stabilization Temporary stabilization – jute netting, hay mulch Permanent stabilization – sod (instant), hydroseed (takes a while – should check during/after storms) What else can be permanent stabilization that is NOT SHOWN - pavement, cement

45 Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Dewatering
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Erosion & Sedimentation Control: Dewatering Dirt bags Settling basin Silt sock They should have a PLAN – and they need to stick to the plan or get approval for something different

46 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Best Management Practices: Sweeping At least 1x / year Prioritized – heavy traffic areas, priority watersheds, etc. What is done with the swept up sand? OK to re-use street sweepings. What about catch basin grit? Only if beneficial re-use program approval. Testing required. How often? How prioritized? March 25, 2017

47 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Best Management Practices: Catch Basin Cleaning & Outfall Inspection Required to have an outfall inspection plan – likely expected to perform opportunistic inspections when in the field Looking for: color Odor Suds Sheen OK – hand it over to Alison to talk a bit more about specific requirements of your SWPPP and/or SPCC plans AND about some common compliance issues she sees during her inspections and stormwater audits. What are you looking for? What are you documenting? March 25, 2017

48 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Spill Response / Illicit Discharge See it. Stop it. Say something. Our new catch phrase for spill response. What do you think?

49 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Spill Response / Illicit Discharge SEE IT (Ask them to respond!) Oil – petroleum product DEP must be notified of any oil spill (municipal policy might have threshold, Maine wants to know about ALL spills) What do you see here?

50 Spill Response / Illicit Discharge
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Spill Response / Illicit Discharge (Ask them to respond!) Intentionally pouring material into storm drain This never happens, right??!!?! What do you see here?

51 Spill Response / Illicit Discharge
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Spill Response / Illicit Discharge (Ask them to respond!) Septic or sewer leak into stormwater system Algae mats May have foul odor What do you see here?

52 Spill Response / Illicit Discharge
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Spill Response / Illicit Discharge (Ask them to respond!) Gray water discharge to ditch – might smell like detergent, might have bubbles What do you see here?

53 Spill Response / Illicit Discharge
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Spill Response / Illicit Discharge (Ask them to respond!) Erosion into waterway – from construction? Agriculture? What do you see here?

54 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Stop it Exercise your authority – tell them to stop If it’s a spill, can you use something to contain it?

55 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Say something Be sure to notify Eric Dudley – Westbrook’s stormwater coordinator If he’s not available, call Jennie Franceschi or Lynne Leavitt. THE SPILL / DISCHARGE NEEDS TO BE RECORDED. And, they may want to check to see if it entered the stormwater system or if further response is needed.

56 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Requirements
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Requirements March 25, 2017

57 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Does your facility have a SWPPP or an Operation & Maintenance Plan? Do you know where the plans are located? Do you know your SWPPP team members? It’s important for everyone here to know if their facility has a SWPPP or O&M plan and where that is kept. What is the difference between these plans? Both require employee training, that’s why we are here. It’s also very important for you to know who the SWPPP team members are and what your role is for facility compliance. Compliance with the plans doesn’t just fall on the team members, these team members need employees to implement BMPs properly onsite for SWPPP compliance.

58 Quarterly Site Inspections
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Quarterly Site Inspections SWPPP requires documentation of inspections Must be inspected: All activity and material storage areas BMPs Stormwater drainage Documentation is kept with the SWPPP SPCC also requires routine inspections. Do we have anyone here who conducts these inspections for their site? All activities and potential pollutant areas that Jodie mentioned earlier must be inspected quarter or monthly (SPCC) to evaluate proper BMPs are being implemented and functioning. What is your role? Do you know who the team member is who oversees inspections and corrective action logs? Corrective actions for structural and non structural BMPs must be documented and kept with the SWPPP. Corrective action examples?… what should your corrective action timeline be?

59 Quarterly Site Inspections
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Quarterly Site Inspections Do you know who’s responsible for conducting these inspections at your site? Do you know what to do if you see an issue on site that needs to be corrected? SWPPP compliance depends on how you are implementing BMPs and corrective actions at your facility. Do we have anyone here who conducts these inspections for their site? All activities and potential pollutant areas that Jodie mentioned earlier must be inspected quarter or monthly (SPCC) to evaluate proper BMPs are being implemented and functioning. What is your role? Do you know who the team member is who oversees inspections and corrective action logs? Corrective actions for structural and non structural BMPs must be documented and kept with the SWPPP. Corrective action examples?… what should your corrective action timeline be? What does this mean for you?

60 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Visual Monitoring Do you know where your facility’s stormwater outfall are located? You must know your facility’s drainage and outfalls. Do you know who conducts visual monitoring at your facility? It’s important to understand how good housekeeping practices everyone is implementing onsite will effect the outcome of visual monitoring sampling. This is required to be conducted quarterly for those outfalls which discharge to a resource and documents are to be kept with the SWPPP. O&M sites do not have to collect a sample for visual monitoring.

61 Common Compliance Issues
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Common Compliance Issues Secondary containment is still an issues seen during inspections as well as the integrity of existing containment. These areas must be included during site inspections. All sides of the tanks must be able to be inspected and look for details such as cracks and material/buckets on the edge of containment. Issues with concrete cracks, porous so coating it with a sealing is good. Secondary Containment

62 Common Compliance Issues
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Common Compliance Issues Seeing pushing of snow into the resource and lack of spring maintenance such as pulling back accumulated sediment/debris and allowing vegetation to take hold or reseeding if needed. Instead of sheet flow going off to the right of this photo a berm has been created and water is channelized down to a separate area where water is eroding through a pile of sediment to the resource. Snow Plowing BMPs

63 Common Compliance Issues
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Common Compliance Issues Material Management Storage of material in relation to stormwater conveyances is still an ongoing issue for facilities. This photo is an example of snow dump storage which has grown larger then what the area can handle and it’s spilling over into the drainage swale but I’m seeing poor pile management practices with other materials as well leaf and yard waste, brush chip piles, compost, aggregate.

64 Common Compliance Issues
ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training Common Compliance Issues Fleet Washing Still seeing issues with discharges of vehicle wash water discharging directly to resources or into stormwater drainage systems. Robyn mentioned it early, this is a non-allowable discharge and must not discharge to a resource on down a storm drain.

65 ISWG - SWPPP/O&M Training
Questions? Alison Moody Maine DEP Industrial Stormwater Coordinator Jodie Keene Municipal Outreach Coordinator

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