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Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society

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1 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Migration & Empire, Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society

2 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
In today’s class I am learning to: Describe ways that Scottish society changed as a result of immigration into the country

3 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Irish, Italian, Lithuanian and Jewish immigrants each had a major impact on Scottish life, bringing changes to various aspects of society.

4 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
The most obvious social impact of immigration was that it affected the country’s population. Many Scots emigrated during the 1800s and 1900s, so large numbers of immigrants helped maintain and even increased the population.

5 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Many of these immigrants married within their own communities. However others married Scots. For instance around two thirds of Irish immigrants to Dundee in the 1800s were women, inevitably leading to more Scots/Irish marriages.

6 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Mass immigration also changed the type of people living in Scotland. Most Scots were Protestant but huge numbers of Irish, Italian and Lithuanian immigrants were Catholic, and a Jewish community emerged too.

7 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
These new religious groups changed the shape of worship in Scotland. More Catholic churches were built in areas right across Scotland. In addition some Jewish synagogues were built too, mainly in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

8 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
The immigrants also wanted an education but sometimes immigrant teachers and pupils faced discrimination. The Catholic Church opened schools, although from 1918 onwards these were then run by the British government.

9 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
This increased population put pressure on Scotland’s housing supply. Most immigrants were poor so lived in some of the country’s worst housing. This led to greater levels of overcrowding, and resentment from Scots.

10 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
During the 1800s around 40% of Irish immigrants lived in single ends (one roomed homes). These houses had an average of five people living there, however some Irish homes in Edinburgh were found to have up to 15.

11 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
The influx of immigrants led to negative Scottish views, especially to do with health and crime. The Irish were accused of drinking too much and being violent, not helped by religious battles between Catholic and Protestant Irish.

12 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Many immigrants were often poor and more likely to have diseases when they first arrived, creating a negative impression. Jewish immigrants were also accused of being responsible for an outbreak of cholera in Glasgow in the late-1800s.

13 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Immigrants were often attracted to politics as a way of integrating but also improving their lives. Many Irish immigrants to Scotland played a key role in setting up the Scottish Labour Party, and then were elected as councillors and MPs.

14 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Some immigrants supported established parties like the Liberals. However many Irish people were attracted by Labour’s promises of better housing and working conditions, and also giving Home Rule to Ireland.

15 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
James Connolly was born in Edinburgh to Irish parents. He was involved in trade unions but later led the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland. John Wheatley was an Irishman who became a Labour MP and government minister.

16 Impact of immigrants in Scotland - society
Other migrants – especially Lithuanians and Irish – became involved in trade unions. They set up groups (like the Glasgow Cotton Spinners Association) and campaigned for improved workplace rights and conditions.

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