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Dr James Ovens Consultant Psychiatrist Tandridge CMHRS

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Presentation on theme: "Dr James Ovens Consultant Psychiatrist Tandridge CMHRS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr James Ovens Consultant Psychiatrist Tandridge CMHRS
Medication Update Dr James Ovens Consultant Psychiatrist Tandridge CMHRS

2 Overview Antipsychotics- updates, developments
Antidepressants- new developments Antidepressants- therapeutic options Questions and queries

3 Antipsychotics-Developments
New depots: -Paliperidone -Aripirazole Lurasidone

4 Paliperidone First pass metabolite of Risperidone Oily base depot
Oral rarely used Once monthly administration Side effect profile similar to that of Risperidone: Metabolic syn, ^Prolactin, Switch from existing regime or use loading doses

5 Aripiprazole depot Once monthly administration Oral trial
Single dosing 400mg injection Plasma level equivalent to 10mg oral Side effect profile similar to oral- generally favourable, little metabolic syn, occasional EPSE’s, akathisia Treatment failure main drawback

6 Lurasidone New antipsychotic
High affinity for D2, 5-HT2a, 5-HT7 receptors High efficacy Data suggesting cognitive benefits Low chance metabolic syndrome Can reduce weight gained with other antipsychotics EPSE chief unwanted effect, can be severe akathisia

7 Antidepressants- developments
Vortioxetine 2018 Meta analysis of Antidepressants

8 Vortioxetine

9 Vortioxetine New multimodal antidepressant
Multiple 5-HT receptor agonist, partial agonist and antagonist actions Produced with aim of replicating binding profiles of drugs known to be useful in treatment resistant depression Yet has good side effect profile, absent discontinuation symptoms Aimed at 2nd line choice after SSRI

10 Vortioxetine On all formularies, Nice recommended Simple dosing regime
Suggested use as 2nd line use in Depressive illness Easy swapping and stopping regimes Developing use in Surrey

11 Antidepressants- Therapeutic Options
First Antidepressant- SSRI Second Choice- Alternative SSRI, Venlafaxine Now Vortioxetine an option (tolerable, no switchover concerns) Alternative options include augmentation strategies

12 Antidepressants- Augmentation strategies
If SSRI’s poorly tolerated: -Mirtazapine -Duloxetine -Agomelatine -Reboxetine

13 Antidepressants- No response
Always: Clarify diagnosis; Personality disorder, OCD, Anxiety disorder, Neurodevelpomental disorder, exclude intercurrent medical cause. Venlafaxine Vortioxetine 2nd SSRI Augmentation strategy

14 Antidepressants- Augmentation
Buspirone Anxiolytic antipsychotic: Quetiapine, Olanzapine, Aripiprazole, Flupentixol Mirtazapine Bupropion (not with Venlafaxine) Lithium, Lamotrigine, TCA’s under sec. care ECT Ketamine

15 Buspirone Anxiolytic in BNF coding Potentiates Serotonin release
Dose titration to 30mg daily StarD shows good data Well tolerated Anxiolytic effect is helpful Good experiences

16 Anxiolytic Antipsychotics
Quetiapine Olanzapine Aripiprazole Flupentixol Low doses Anxiolytic, improved sleep Unwanted effects

17 Mirtazapine Good evidence base on StarD
In combination with SSRI or Venlafaxine Well tolerated Experience less encouraging!

18 Bupropion SSRI, NARI, Dopaminergic activity
In combination or as lone agent Highest rate of response in StarD Generally well tolerated Off label in UK Encouraging responses in experience Evidence of harmful effects in combination with Venlafaxine

19 Mood stabilisers Generally in secondary care
Lamotrigine widely used with some success, evidence base not that strong Lithium less widely used in recent times but good evidence base

20 Others ECT Ketamine

21 2018 Meta Analysis Lancet published Meta Analysis Favourable findings:
Escitalopram Sertraline Paroxetine Agomelatine Mirtazapine

22 2018 Meta Analysis Less favourable: Reboxetine Trazadone Fluvoxamine
Vortioxetine (!)

23 Thank you… ……any questions?

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