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Recovery-oriented Services for People Experiencing Homelessness

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Presentation on theme: "Recovery-oriented Services for People Experiencing Homelessness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recovery-oriented Services for People Experiencing Homelessness

2 Cheryl Gagne, Sc.D. t3/Center for Social Innovation Alex Jeffrey
Who We Are Cheryl Gagne, Sc.D. t3/Center for Social Innovation Alex Jeffrey

3 What comes to mind when you hear the term “recovery”?

4 Recovery is described as a deeply personal,
unique process of changing one’s attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life even with possible limitations caused by on-going difficulties Anthony, 1993

5 We don’t work in a bubble
Organizations Programs Services The World Politics Economy Culture Funding priorities Apathy

6 Values of Recovery-oriented Services
Person-centered Strengths-based Growth and self-discovery-oriented Hopeful

7 How do we bring these values to life when we deliver services and supports?

8 Person-centered Person-centered care is a way of thinking and doing things that sees the people using health and social services as equal partners in planning, developing and monitoring care to make sure it meets their needs

9 Strengths-based Focus on the inherent strengths of individuals, families, groups and organizations, deploying personal strengths to aid recovery and empowerment.

10 Growth and Self-Discovery
Focus on and belief in the capacity of every person to improve their satisfaction and success in life Opportunities to increase self-knowledge, learn skills, and explore different environments

11 Hopeful We share inspiration and support to people experiencing homelessness, mental illness and/or substance use disorders

12 Skills for Recovery Monitoring and managing symptoms Asking for help
Scheduling daily self-care activities Regulating emotions Prioritizing recovery-support activities And hundreds more……..

13 Supports for Recovery People Places Things Activities Peer coach
My sister, Beth Mojo (sister’s dog) Friends in recovery My apartment Dunkin Donuts YMCA Dog park Work Church Cell phone Methadone Bus pass Cane Walking Mojo Lifting at the Y Volunteering at church

14 We don’t work in a bubble
Organizations Programs Services The World Politics Economy Culture Funding priorities Apathy

15 Developing Networks Networking is the process of developing and using individuals or organizations for information, resources, or encouragement Be nice to everyone on you meet Strengths of weak connections Get outside your “comfort zone”

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