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CORE MENTOR UPDATE 2019 January 2019. This is the final version of the core update completed by the Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Learning Group.

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Presentation on theme: "CORE MENTOR UPDATE 2019 January 2019. This is the final version of the core update completed by the Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Learning Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORE MENTOR UPDATE 2019 January This is the final version of the core update completed by the Midlands, Yorkshire and East Practice Learning Group SSSA workstream in November 2018 with updated logos added January Collated from the shared work of colleagues in the ME PLG by Jan Royal-Fearn. There are spaces to add HEI specific information in the presentation and also additional slide templates at the end. This update can be used by HEI and practice colleagues across the region to deliver mentor updates in 2019. A collaboration of 32 HEIs in the Midlands, Yorkshire and East of England region

2 How are you doing in your mentor role?
Are there any queries or issues you want to discuss today at this update? As these mentors will be expecting an update in line with SLAiP requirements, we need to give opportunity to answer any key queries at the start. Then move on to SSSA and MYE PAD information for the remainder of the presentation.

3 Highlighting what is coming

4 New NMC Standards Published 17th May 2018
Standards of proficiency for registered nurses. Standards Framework for nursing and midwifery education Standards for Student Supervision and assessment Standards for pre-registration nursing programmes Detail of the wider framework

5 Explore the Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA)
Aims and Outcomes Explore the Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) Consider how your role as a mentor will change To introduce the new practice assessment document for the Midlands, Yorkshire and East (MYE PAD) To give time for questions and discussion at the end This update is intended as an introduction to the changes. Further detail on new roles and the MYE PAD will form part of the transition preparation workshops being planned for later in 2019.

6 Changes and Timeframes – the partnership approach
The new standards can be implemented from September 2019 (subject to NMC Approval) All universities nationally have to implement the new standards by September 2020 The NMC will only approve universities who can demonstrate that clinical partners are prepared for the new standards There has been a great deal of work already completed by universities and their local practice partners

7 What do the changes mean for mentorship?
NMC SLAiP (2008) standards will cease to apply The term ‘mentor’ will no longer be used and the traditional role of a mentor will change The sign-off mentor role will cease to exist in its current form Practice learning and support of students will officially be the responsibility of every registered practitioner, as stipulated in the NMC Code (2015) The 40% mentor- student contact requirements will be removed Triennial review will no longer be a requirement Other registered professionals (non-nurses / midwives) will participate in the supervision of students

8 Roles for Student Supervision and Assessment
Any registered professional after preparation, Continuity needed to measure student progress Can assess some skills / outcomes and will feedback to Practice Assessor on the student Practice Supervisor NMC registered (not field specific), current, suitably prepared, supported. (Likely to be existing experienced mentors initially). Must observe student in practice. Assess and confirm achievement. Do not supervise then assess the student in same part Practice Assessor These ‘jelly babies’ give a visual ID to each role and then are re-used when discussing practice models to enable mentors to see how it works in practice – they have generally been well received by stakeholders. Academic staff, NMC Registered. New for each part of programme. Current, suitably prepared, supported, Not field specific. Collate and confirm achievement in practice in conjunction with PA to enable student to progress to next stage of the programme. Academic Assessor

9 Preparing and Assessing the Future Workforce
Role of Practice supervisor (During transition period likely to be current associate’s or less experienced mentors), Suitability prepared for role –initially through a short workshop or online content, identifies students learning needs at start of shift with goals to achieve Role of Practice Assessor (During transition period likely to be current and experienced mentors and Sign Off Mentors). Student assigned Practice Assessor for a series of placements / per placement / per part of the programme. Practice Assessor to conduct assessment to confirm progression. The Practice Assessor will work in partnership with Academic Assessor Role of Academic Assessor (University staff, NMC Registered) Nominated Academic Assessor who is suitably prepared . Work in partnership with Practice Assessor. Collates and confirms information on students achievements in practice and academic work. Academic Assessor is allocated to the student for each part / year of the programme then changes for the next part / year. Preparation for the new roles is not yet agreed across the regional group or the individual HEI’s with practice partners so the above are suggestions only. Your local context may be slightly different. Some current discussion (January 2019) on whether the academic assessor can be the same in part / year 1 and 3, but not yet confirmed by NMC in writing or on documentation.

10 Benefits of New Roles Everyone will have an input into assessment Separates supervision and assessment roles Improves interprofessional working Supporting student learning becomes everyone's responsibility You can be both a practice supervisor and a practice assessor, but not to the same student

11 Proposed Model, based on 3 placements per year
Each Part of Programme Placement A Placement B Placement C One model of how the new models sit together based on 3 placements a year with a practice assessor (PA) in each placement. PA in each placement receives feedback from the PS and then academic assessor tracks student through each placement, receives feedback from PA in each placement and in final summative placement discusses student achievement and progression with PA there. Documented throughout in assessment document records (MYE PAD) which may be electronic, so communication may not always be face to face.

12 What remains the same? Students will remain supernumerary and require the support of a registered practitioner on each shift Induction, learning contracts, mid-point (formative) assessment, action plans and summative assessment will continue Students will receive continuous feedback to inform their progress The cause for concern process will continue to apply Further information may be accessed at NMC 2018 Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment Note it says registered practitioner rather than ‘nurse’ or ‘midwife’ – so this could include any member of the MDT – including doctors. Registered nurse associates can also be practice supervisors.

13 Strategic Partnership meetings – high level management input
Local Work Completed Strategic Partnership meetings – high level management input Senior Stakeholder Meetings – Operational Management Practice Education Support meetings Mentor Updates – drip-fed change information over past 12 month Yorkshire and Humber Stakeholder Event for practitioners HEI Specific information will be added here

14 Planned Activities Stakeholder event for Private, Voluntary and Independent organisations: 23rd July, 2019 Current mentors to PA and PS: preparation by train the trainer approach – Trainers are meeting June 7th PS prep for non-mentors to all registered practitioners via employers From 05 June, ‘Roadshows’ to all practice partner areas awareness-raising and clarification Dates advertised in workplaces, via and online Local contact details for HEI practice leads and practice based lead educators.

15 LOCAL NEWS To support the transition to the 2019 curricula we have three new Associate Lecturers

16 MYE PLG- The Aim of the Regional Project
28 Universities now working together across Midlands, Yorkshire and East of England Practice Learning Group (MYE PLG) to implement a collaborative practice assessment document for nursing in line with the new 2018 NMC Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses Working across our range of practice partners from both NHS and Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector organisations. HEE funding granted Switch focus to the PAD shared assessment document and explain regional group work.

17 Anglia Ruskin University Birmingham City University
Coventry University De Montfort University Keele University Leeds Beckett University Northumbria University Sheffield Hallam University Teeside University The Open University University of Bedfordshire University of Birmingham University of Bradford University of Derby University of East Anglia University of Essex University of Huddersfield University of Hull University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Lincoln University of Northampton University of Nottingham University of Sheffield University of Staffordshire University of Sunderland University of Suffolk University of Worcester University of Wolverhampton University of York Lists the 28 universities involved at the time of preparation (January 2019) and 2 others will be new providers in 2020 (Nottingham Trent University and University College of Birmingham) and are already involved in the group.

18 The Scale of the Project
Thousands of Students and Nurses Hundreds of NHS and PVI placement organisations 28 Higher Education Institutes Emphasise the number of practice stakeholders we have as a whole regional group too. Many of these have students from more than one HEI and it is hoped this regional approach will make the transition to supervisor, assessor and the MYE PAD much easier offering a consistent message.

19 The current PAD - What we already know…
Assessment “mentors may ‘fail to fail’ because of their lack of knowledge of the assessment process and documentation” “Mentors lack confidence or feel inexperienced in the assessment process” “We need to improve the quality of the assessment process” “are not effective at measuring all the attributes of clinical competency” Documentation “what mentors want, if you ask them, is how to use the practice assessment document” “Documentation needs to be improved to make it more user friendly.” “There are inconsistencies between HEI’s which are open to differing interpretation” Time “We lack time to complete student documentation” “Processes breakdown due to staff shortages, time management and workload”

20 MYE PAD – 3 Parts, 3 Documents
Emphasise that the MYE PAD is generic as proficiencies are generic in the new NMC (2018) Future Nurse standards. In line with 2018 Nursing Standards, the PAD will be generic and not field specific

21 The PAN Practice Assessment Document (PAD)
Practice Assessment Document Part 1,2,3 Ongoing Achievement Record Introduction/ Orientation Interviews Initial, midway, final Professional Values Episodes of Care - Reflections Service User Carer Feedback Skills Assessment Framework Practising independently with minimal supervision 1 2 3 Showing that much of the new document will be familiar The new assessment framework is in 3 parts, moving from guided participation of students at the beginning, to practising independently with minimal supervision prior to qualifying. This will be in line with similar assessment processes already in use. Guided Participation

22 Guided participation in care and performing with increasing confidence
Incremental assessment criteria Practising independently with minimal supervision, leading and coordinating care with confidence Active participation in care, minimal guidance, performing with increased confidence and competence Guided participation in care and performing with increasing confidence End Part 1 End Part 2 Knowledge Skills Attitude End Part 3 Assessment of each component of MYE PAD Yes or No To show the new assessment criteria and progression in MYE PAD Knowledge Skills Attitude and values

23 Example of the new Practice Assessment Document
Practice Assessor completes midpoint, receiving feedback from practice supervisors Practice Assessor will complete end point and review student reflection with feedback from Practice Supervisors and service users / carers. Based on NMC Code Student selects one example from practice on each placement to demonstrate how they practice within the code Just an example of what the new assessment document consists of – more information would be in the PS, PA and AA workshops and preparation resources. Professional Values completed in every placement

24 Coaching – a recap What are the barriers to coaching?
Coaching is not a new concept – it has previously been labelled Clip and PEBLS (amongst others) Usefulness: Team building Change management Life skills training Career planning Professional development Coaches follow expected codes of behaviour: Realistic and attainable expectations Ensuring all parties know the rules Earning respect Giving praise Being personally committed What makes a good coach? What are the barriers to coaching? Coaches are experts so have to get it right Talking too much Students not being allowed to identify their own learning needs Coaches that dominate or control situations Positive role modelling Critical friend Encouragement & supportive Giving advice For those HEI’s using or introducing a coaching model

25 Underlying processes will remain: 1 - Capacity
University Link staff and clinical area nursing staff do not have authority to agree a reduction in placement capacity for students Please contact your Practice Education/Facilitator/Support Team (NHS Trust) or senior manager (other organisations) Practice Education Facilitator/Support or senior manager will liaise with Department of Health Sciences Local HEI information to be added here (extra blank slides are available at the end of the presentation)

26 Underlying processes will remain: 2 – Raising concerns about a student
What should you do if you are concerned about: Performance Absence Conduct Potential fitness to practice Communication – student & link lecturer Documentation Adherence to timeframes Spare slides for copy and use

What should a student do if they are concerned about practice they have witnessed? Refer to the Practice Experience Concerns Department of Health Science website Student and link lecturer to liaise over reporting No student interview/statement without University support

Standards for Nursing Associates: Published October 2018 New programmes from end July 19 must be NMC approved Our programme will commence Dec 19 (subject to NMC approval) All learners will be apprentices (employees, work based learning NA bases will be their employment area They will undertake 3 X additional 4 week placements a year to gain wider experience Detail of the wider framework

ASSESSMENT The NAs will have their own Practice Assessment Document, devised within the same group as the MYEPAD This provides consistency and transferability Trainees (learners) will have protected learning time in practice but may be not always be supernumerary A definition of protected learning time will be given in NAPAD. This is a two part document, which will focus on guided participation and practice Where NA apprenticeship is delivered, you will be receive specific preparation to use the document Slide 5-NMC Standards for NNAPAD instead of MYEPADursing Associates (slide 5) Slide 6- NAPAD instead of MYEPAD. Slide 7-Any new programme after end July 19 must be NMC approved programme. Our programme will commence Dec 19 (subject to NMC approval) and all learners (not students) will be apprentices (employed and work based learning). Slide 12- this differs from BSc as NA will stay in their own employment base and have 3 external 4 week placements a year to gain wider experience plus spokes. Slide 13- Trainees (or learners) will have protected learning time in practice and whilst this may be supernumerary at times it may not always be. A definition of protected learning time will be given in NAPAD. It is very important these plt hours are recorded accurately. The process for which weeks all meetings should take place will be given in the NAPAD. Slide 22- there will only be two parts not 3 of the NAPAD(as it is a 2 year programme). Slide 24 there will only be guided participation and practicing Slide 27- will there be a dedicated university link person?

E-portfolio Team – Jonathan Ayto, Sarah Walker Lucia White sarah Phone / / Visit University of York, Seebohm Rowntree building office ATB/025 on the ground floor Spare slides for copy and use

31 Please contact us with any concerns:
Further support and information Please contact us with any concerns: TRUDI NEENAN: Academic Lead for Practice Learning, University of York Associate Lecturers, Practice Learning Link: Visit for up to date news and resources Local contact details for HEI practice leads and practice based lead educators.

Final slide – opportunity for questions / discussion @PANMidsYorkEast

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