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Blockchain and Government

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1 Blockchain and Government
Ohio House Commerce and Labor HB220 Tony Franco - CEO June 5th, 2019

2 Who am I CEO and Co-Founder of SafeChain
Work with 15 local governments across Ohio to implement blockchain We have 25 employees, 18 of them are in Ohio

3 Agenda What is blockchain
How does it benefit consumers and governments How we use blockchain Why I’m supporting the bill (and why you should as well)

4 What is blockchain New type of database
Operated by a group of people or organizations Facilitator of peer to peer transactions Safer and more secure

5 Why is blockchain important
Local and county governments want to maintain autonomy The commercial markets and the state want standard access at regular intervals New technology will provide jobs across the state

6 House Bill 220 Enables counties, cities, municipalities to work with confidence Does not create subsidies Does not create restrictions Primarily provides clarity

7 SafeChain - Applied Blockchain for Land Title
Problem: Title companies and local governments in Ohio spend $1M+ per year in submission errors Local governments want to maintain autonomy The market and the state want standard information

8 SafeChain - Applied Blockchain for Land Title
Solution: Allow counties to maintain processes Use blockchain to maintain home rule Use blockchain to protect title agents IP First application like it in the county - Ohio is leading

9 Why I Support House Bill 220
The opportunity for high paying software jobs in Ohio is massive Blockchain will eventually touch as many businesses as the internet Bill does not impose regulations on a nacest technology Public private partnerships are a competitive advantage

10 Conclusion Blockchain - just a new type of database
The new bill can help, but 100% will not hurt

11 Thank you

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