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Vocabulary Group 13.

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1 Vocabulary Group 13

2 Overly hasty or not fully thought out
rash rash A excess Overly hasty or not fully thought out We unwisely rushed into the situation and made a rash decision.

3 leeway lee way A margin for variation
N excess A margin for variation We were given great leeway to make the necessary decisions.

4 exaggerate ig za juh rate
V excess To overstate or overemphasize These shoes exaggerate the size of my feet making them look two sizes larger.

5 1)Full of detail and complexity or 2)carefully planned
elaborate e la buh ruht A excess 1)Full of detail and complexity or 2)carefully planned Careful planning and attention to detail made the plans for the dance very elaborate.

6 drastic dras tik extreme
A excess extreme Drastic new measures must be put in place to stop the violence in our neighborhood.

7 deplete dih pleet To run out of or to use up
V excess To run out of or to use up Too much fishing and hunting have depleted the game in the forest.

8 Proud or thinking oneself to be superior
arrogant err uh guhnt A excess Proud or thinking oneself to be superior The rich kid was arrogant and acted like he was better than everyone else.

9 abundant uh buhn duhnt plentiful
A excess plentiful With the abundant rain, the crops got plenty of water.

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