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English and Literacy Mrs Gough (Literacy Leader)

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Presentation on theme: "English and Literacy Mrs Gough (Literacy Leader)"— Presentation transcript:

1 English and Literacy Mrs Gough (Literacy Leader)
Mrs Swanson-Hunt (Assistant Subject Leader & KS3 Lead)

2 Outstanding achievement High quality teaching and learning
Our Vision Ambition Resilience Outstanding achievement High quality teaching and learning Foster a love of English

3 The Key Stage 3 English Curriculum
Year 8 Our World Blood Brothers Traces of Evidence Autobiography Year 7 Animal Farm Love and Conflict Ghostly Encounters A Midsummer Night’s Dream

4 Year 7

5 How can you help? Homework: encourage your child to check spellings, capital letters, punctuation and grammar in all pieces of homework. Year 7 website: long term plan and overview of each scheme of learning are available. Reading homework: students are expected to read for an hour a week and parents sign the planner to say this has been done.

6 Intervention All students in Year 7 and 8 have completed a reading test to establish their reading age. Any students below a reading age of 9.7 will be placed on a reading intervention programme. This intervention is in the form of one-to-one reading support with members of staff and sixth form students. Parents will be informed of the students involved in the intervention as well as how to support their child with their reading.

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