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Darwin’s Journey Pg. 58 Patterns of evolution Pg. 59 Embryology Pg. 60 Evidence of Evolution Pg. 61

2 Evidence of Evolution Pg. 61

3 1) Adaptations – traits that help an organism survive.
Look at the picture above. What are some adaptations of this bass?


5 2) Homologous structures = Similar structures that can have different functions.
They tell us about the history of the species. (common ancestor)

6 Salamander, Lizard, Turtle, and Opossum

7 Salamander, Lizard, Turtle, and Opossum

8 3) Analogous Structures = Similar in function but are different in structure.
( shows no common evolutionary origin – ex bird and fly wings)


10 4) Vestigial structures = No known function but
4) Vestigial structures = No known function but was probably useful to an ancestor.

11 Examples of Vestigial Structures:
Appendix in a human. Ear muscles. Wisdom teeth. Muscles to make hair stand up. Human tailbone. Eyes on blind cave fish.

12 5) DNA(Molecular biology)-similarity and differences.
CAT TAC DNA is made of the same building blocks just in a different order DNA in a human could be AATGGGCCC TTACCCGGG DNA in a tree could be AAGTTTAGC TTCAAATCG

13 6) Embryos-show how animals are related by common ancestry, but developed different structures.
Earliest stage of growth and development in both plants and animals Very similar embryo’s in Fish, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

14 7. Biogeography-Study of plants & animals over Earth’s surface.
-Compares modern organisms to the fossils found there.

15 8) Fossil Record-see the changes over time.

16 Attach embryo paper-pg 60

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