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Safe and Secure Schools

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1 Safe and Secure Schools
Safe and Secure Schools Unit


3 Rules of 3 Tip of the spear…. CRISIS Red flag Red flag X Red flag

4 Planning Communications Plans Crisis Plans Recovery Plans After 911 how are you going to communicate with LEO and first responders descending on your school? Communications related to school, buses, parents, etc.

5 Planning ALL-Hazards based Crisis Plan Creation Maintenance

6 22 hazards identified within Kansas
Agriculture Infestation Civil Disorder Dam/Levee Failure Drought Earthquakes Expansive Soils Extreme Temperatures Flood Hail storms Hazardous Materials Land Subsidence Landslides Lightning Major Disease Outbreak Radiological Soil Erosion/Dust Terrorism/Agri-terrorism Tornado Utility Infrastructure Failure Wildfire Wind Storms Winter Storms

7 Recovery Plans Recovery timeline Reunification Reconstitution
NM shooting took 6 weeks to tear down walls and re-purpose the space. Columbine took 4 months to get the school ready for classes but other parts of the school (library) took much longer. Rebuilding cost upwards of $50M.

8 School Shooting vs. Shooting at a School
Intimate vs. Vindictive Mindsets Planning

9 Mindset Fantasy stage Planning stage Preparation stage Approach stage
Implementation stage

10 Active Assailant Most active assailants only think about accomplishing a high body count! NO room for talking ONLY room for Action!

11 New mindset Active Assailants: What are your willing to do to survive?
What am I empowered to do? Empowering your employees to make decisions.

12 Ideas Randomly increase visual security posture
8. Perform random inspections of employee and visitor identification (If you do not have scan able ID’s for employees) 2. Park USD vehicles in a manner that impedes other cars getting near the building or students when they are outside 9. Perform random, in addition to regularly scheduled inspections of HVAC and other utility related infrastructure. Make sure the shut-off mechanisms function as designed 3. Perform random telephonic verification of companies to confirm the origin and destination of inbound deliveries if not done on a regular basis; confirm delivery time, truck, and driver 10. Perform random doubling of walking patrols in building and on grounds. (staff must be trained to acknowledge suspicious activities and know how to report it) 4. Perform random inspections of packages before allowing it to be dropped off 11. Randomly place extra Staff on the school buses 5. Randomly change student bus drop off points on school grounds 12. Arrange for Local Law Enforcement vehicles to be parked in high visibility areas around facility 6. Randomly assign one or two staff to stand by at facility entrance 13. During special events (ball games), randomly assign one or two-person patrols to walk an assigned area on foot 7. Randomly perform checks on exterior throughout the facility. Attempt to gain entrance through non-visitor doors 14. Randomly select lighting to leave on around critical areas and/or around the general site areas.

13 New mindset Mental Health:
You will never have a “safe” school until you acknowledge and treat mental health issues. Situational awareness of the “red flags” of suicide. Understanding that suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in children years of age.

14 New mindset Human Trafficking: Kansas is a major thoroughfare. Age range yrs. 82% online sex crimes against minors. They were recruited off their social media sites. Hard to get victims out of their situation. They believe they deserve to be treated this way. “Childhood should not be a life and death experience!”

15 Mitigation Planning Safety is it’s own line item in school budgets!
Every dollar invested in safety programs can provide a return of $4 to $6 in reduced costs. Training and exercises (drills)

16 Outcomes of not budgeting safety
Not addressing safety issues can negatively impact your bottom line in a number of direct and indirect ways. Medical expenses, disability payments, and OSHA fines are all recognizable direct costs of injuries and accidents. However, indirect costs should also be calculated and may include legal fees, long-term substitute costs while a staff member recovers, administrative time spent investigating and managing an issue, the cost to implement any change and communication of that change to staff, and, most importantly, an increase in your workers' compensation premiums. LOSS of Trust! Safe Schools by Vector Matters, March 2019

17 Time for a change EVERYBODY wants to see change!
The thought process of “It won’t happen here” is irresponsible, school safety is not a fad. It’s time to proactively plan, talk about and implement school safety. Adults will not drive the change. Kids (students) will demand it and lead the charge.

18 Contact us: Susan McMahan John Calvert
School Safety Specialist School Safety Specialist (785) (785) Safe and Secure Schools Unit Mission Statement To assist school districts by helping them build solid foundations of readiness, security and resiliency to withstand ALL-Hazards and anything man-made (intentional or unintentional).

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