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Agenda To Get: To Do: Handouts from back shelf

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1 Agenda To Get: To Do: Handouts from back shelf
Opener Reading – Language Development Review parenting styles Lecture: Child Discipline Types and Language Development OPEN NOTE TEST MONDAY!

2 Review Types of Child Discipline
_____________________: Using physical punishment or a show of force, e.g., removing toys or privileges _____________________: Withholding affection _____________________: Combine praise, recognition, approval, rules, and reasoning to encourage desirable behavior Wordbank: Management Techniques Withdrawal of Love Power Assertion

3 Language Development

4 Language Development Reading (text: intro to psych pgs. 106-109)
_____________ development provides a foundation for language learning. Name the two language stages that a child of two has progressed through. Give examples. Why might a two year old child intentionally disobey a parent even though they have developed a capacity to understand simple language commands and instructions? By age five a typical child will understand _____________ words and be able to use about _______________. Why aren’t these numbers that same? Explain. What sort of speech produces the “language dance” in infants? Linguist Noam Chomsky claimed that humans have a ______________ ____________ for developing language. What is an example of how kids actively participate in language learning? What is happening with “conversational” turn-taking? The more children interact with ___________, the faster they learn to ___________and the faster they learn __________ ___________. What are two similarities of “parentese” across many different languages? When is “baby talk” harmful to a child? The first ____ years of life are a sensitive period in language learning.

5 Single-Word Stage Stage in which child says one word at a time
Example: up, juice, or go

6 Telegraphic Speech Two word sentences that communicate a simple idea (telegraph an idea) Example: Want-Teddy, Mama-gone, or Daddy-wake

7 Terrible Twos Period when children seek independence by disobeying parents

8 Meet the Parents
Meet the Parents

9 Noam Chomsky Biological Predisposition:
Hereditary Innate Readiness – ideal time to learn a skill; both cognitively and physiologically Patterns of Language Development (see chart) Some say he underestimated importance of learning/roles of parents in speech development

10 Language Pattern Matching…
Identification Nonexistence Possession Agent-Action Negation Questions “Where doggie?” “My doll.” “See kitty.” “Allgone milk.” “Mama give.” “Not ball.” Assimilation Accommodation Object Permanence Egocentric Terrible Two Telegraphic Speech

11 Language Dance Signals – touching, vocalizing, gazing, or smiling (non-verbal communication) Turn-taking – alternate in sending signals (conversation)

12 Parentese Way of speaking to babies (baby talk)
Slow, simple, and exaggerated.

13 Optimal Caregiving Proactive maternal involvement: helps child explore
Goodness of fit: personalities click (child/parent) Parental responsiveness: sensitive to child’s needs

14 1. Parenting Style Review
Styles Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative Neglectful

15 2. Parenting Style Review
Styles Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative Neglectful

16 3. Parenting Style Review
Styles Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative Neglectful

17 4. Parenting Style Review
Styles Permissive Authoritarian Authoritative Neglectful

18 5. Language Language learning requires what sort of interaction to take place?

19 6. Biological Predisposition
Who created the idea and what does it mean?

20 Modern Style

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