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Revisiting Neighborhood Inverse Consistency on Binary CSPs

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1 Revisiting Neighborhood Inverse Consistency on Binary CSPs
R.J. Woodward1, S. Karakashian1, B.Y. Choueiry1 & C. Bessiere2 1Constraint Systems Laboratory, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2LIRMM-CNRS, University of Montpellier Acknowledgements Experiments conducted at UNL’s Holland Computing Center Robert Woodward supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship grant number NSF Grant No. RI 6/6/2019 CP 2012

2 Outline Introduction: Relational NIC
Structure of the dual graph of a binary CSP affects RNIC RNIC versus NIC, sCDC on binary CSPs Experimental results Conclusion Insist on Binary 6/6/2019 CP 2012

3 Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Graphical Representation Constraint graph Dual graph Minimal dual graph R4 A B R3 R1 D C R2 Constraint graph R3 CD AC AB R2 C A D AD R1 R4 Dual graph R1 R2 D AD CD A A C AB AC A an edge between two vertices is redundant if there exists an alternate path between the two vertices such that the shared variables appear in every vertex in the path R4 R3 Minimal dual graph [Janssen+,1989] 6/6/2019 CP 2012

4 Neighborhood Inverse Consistency
Relational NIC [Woodward+ AAAI 2011] Reformulation of NIC [Freuder & Elfe, AAAI 1996] Defined for dual graph Every tuple can be extended to a solution in its relation’s neighborhood Algorithm operates on dual graph & filter relations (not domains!) Initially designed for non-binary CSPs How about RNIC on binary CSPs? Impact of the structure of the dual graph RNIC versus other consistency properties A C B D R3 R2 R1 R4 6/6/2019 CP 2012

5 Complete Constraint Graph
V1 V2 V3 Vn-1 Vn Dual Graph: Triangle shaped grids C1,2 Vn Cn-1,n C1,n V1 Vn-1 C3,n C2,n V2 V3 V5 C2,3 C1,3 C3,4 C1,4 C2,4 C4,5 C1,5 C3,5 C2,5 V4 C4,n Ci-2,i C1,i Vi C3,i C2,i Ci,i+1 Ci,n-1 Ci,n (i-2) vertices (n-i) vertices Triangle shaped grids n-1 vertices on the diagonal correspond to the constraints over V1 n-1 vertices corresponding to the constraints over Vi≥2 are located: Centered on C1,i i-2 vertices are lined up along the horizontal axis n-i vertices are lined up along the vertical axis 6/6/2019 CP 2012

6 Dual Graph: Triangle shaped grids
Minimal Dual Graph V1 V2 V3 Vn-1 Vn Dual Graph: Triangle shaped grids Vn Vn Vn Vn C1,n Cn-1,n C4,n C3,n C2,n V1 Vn-1 V4 V3 V2 Ci,n V1 V5 V4 V3 V2 V5 V5 V5 Vi C1,5 C4,5 C3,5 C2,5 Ci,n-1 (n-i) vertices V1 V4 V3 V2 Vi V4 V4 Vi Vi C1,4 C3,4 C2,4 Ci,i+1 V1 V3 V2 V1 V3 Vi C1,3 C2,3 C1,i Ci-2,i C3,i C2,i Vi Vi Vi V1 V2 C1,2 Vi (i-2) vertices 6/6/2019 CP 2012

7 Minimal Dual Graph … can be a triangle-shaped grid (planar)
V1 V2 V3 V4 C1,4 V5 C2,5 C3,5 C1,2 C1,5 C2,3 C3,4 C4,5 C1,3 C2,4 … can be a triangle-shaped grid (planar) … but does not have to be Star on V2 Cycle of size 6 V5 C1,2 C2,3 C1,3 C3,4 C1,4 C2,4 C4,5 C1,5 V1 C3,5 C2,5 V2 V3 V4 C1,5 C1,3 C3,5 C2,4 C4,5 C3,4 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 C1,2 C1,4 C2,3 C2,5 6/6/2019 CP 2012

8 Non-Complete Constraint Graph
Can still be a triangle-shaped grid Have a chain of vertices of length ≤ n-1 C1,2 C2,3 C3,4 C1,4 C1,5 V1 C3,5 C2,5 V2 V3 V4 V5 V1 V2 V3 V4 C1,4 V5 C2,5 C3,5 C1,2 C1,5 C2,3 C3,4 6/6/2019 CP 2012

9 Impact on RNIC On a binary CSP, RNIC enforced on the minimal dual graph (wRNIC) is never strictly stronger than R(*,3)C. R3 R2 R1 R4 R(*,m)C ensures that subproblem induced on the dual CSP by every connected combination of m relations is minimal [Karakashian+, AAAI 2010] Because of the structure of the dual graph of a binary CSP, we have: 6/6/2019 CP 2012

10 wRNIC on Binary CSPs wRNIC can never consider more than 3 relations
In either case, it is not possible to have an edge between C3 & C4 (a common variable to C3 & C4) while keeping C3 as a binary constraint wRNIC, which is RNIC on the minimal dual graph 6/6/2019 CP 2012

11 NIC, sCDC, and RNIC not comparable
NIC Property [Freuder & Elfe, AAAI 1996] Every value can be extended to a solution in its variable’s neighborhood A B C D sCDC Property [Lecoutre+, JAIR 2011] An instantiation {(x,a),(y,b)} is DC iff (y,b) holds in SAC when x=a and (x,a) holds in SAC when y=b and (x,y) in scope of some constraint. Further, the problem is also AC. RNIC Property [Woodward+, AAAI 2011] Every tuple can be extended to a solution in its relation’s neighborhood wRNIC, triRNIC, wtriRNIC enforce RNIC on a minimal, triangulated, and minimal triangulated dual graph, respectively selRNIC automatically selects the RNIC variant based on the density of the dual graph R3 R2 R1 R4 6/6/2019 CP 2012

12 Experimental Results (CPU Time)
Benchmark # inst. AC3.1 sCDC1 NIC selRNIC CPU Time (msec) NIC Quickest bqwh 100/100 3,505 3,860 1,470 3,608 bqwh 68,629 82,772 38,877 77,981 coloring-sgb-queen 12/50 680,140 (+3) - (+9) 57,545 634,029 coloring-sgb-games 3/4 41,317 33,307 (+1) 860 41,747 rand-2-23 10/10 1,467,246 1,460,089 987,312 1,171,444 rand-2-24 3/10 567,620 677,253 (+7) 3,456,437 677,883 sCDC Quickest driver 2/7 (+5) 70,990 (+5) 17,070 358,790 (+4) 185,220 ehi-85 87/100 (+13) 27,304 (+13) 573 513,459 (+13) 75,847 ehi-90 89/100 (+11) 34,687 (+11) 605 713,045 (+11) 90,891 frb35-17 41,249 38,927 179,763 73,119 RNIC Quickest composed 226 335 1,457 114 composed 223 283 1,450 88 composed 9/10 (+1) 288 (+1) 357 120,544 (+1) 137 composed 417 (+1) - 190 composed 2,701 1,444 363,785 305 composed 2,349 1,733 48,249 292 composed 7/10 (+1) 1,924 (+3) 1,647 631,040 (+3) 286 composed 1,484 1,473 397 NIC: Not effective on sparse problems, too costly on dense problems [Debruyene+, 01] 6/6/2019 CP 2012

13 Experimental Results (BT-free, #NV)
Benchmark # inst. AC3.1 sCDC1 NIC selRNIC BT-Free #NV NIC Quickest bqwh 100/100 3 8 5 1,807 1,881 739 1,310 bqwh 1 25,283 25,998 12,490 22,518 coloring-sgb-queen 12/50 - 16 91,853 15,798 coloring-sgb-games 3/4 4 14,368 40 rand-2-23 10/10 10 471,111 12 rand-2-24 3/10 222,085 24 sCDC Quickest driver 2/7 2 3,893 409 3,763 ehi-85 87/100 100 87 1,425 ehi-90 89/100 89 1,298 frb35-17 24,491 24,346 RNIC Quickest composed 153 composed 162 composed 9/10 9 172 composed 112 composed 345 composed 346 composed 7/10 7 335 composed 199 6/6/2019 CP 2012

14 Conclusions Contributions Future work Apply RNIC to binary CSPs
Structure of dual graph & impact of RNIC NIC, sCDC, and RNIC are incomparable Empirically shown benefits of higher-level consistencies Future work Study impact of the structure of the dual graph on (future) relational consistency properties ‘Predict’ appropriate consistency property using information about the problem and its structure 6/6/2019 CP 2012

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