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Trevor Jackson, JJ Abbott, Mitchell Brooks

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1 Trevor Jackson, JJ Abbott, Mitchell Brooks
Talking Word Puzzles Trevor Jackson, JJ Abbott, Mitchell Brooks

2 Product American Printing House for the Blind would like some of their old programs with missing source code remade and modernized One program APH would like redone is a word game directed at blind and visually impaired users The game lets users solve seek and find puzzles or crossword puzzles with narration about the game state for accessibility for visually impaired The old version of the software was a desktop application. APH would like this to be rewritten as a web application

3 Technical Feasibility
We plan to use web development languages (HTML, JS, possibly PHP) to create an accessible web application ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) is a set of accessibility attributes that can be added to HTML to better describe a web application’s state to the user using a screen reader program We plan to add features not present currently including; Text highlighting and coloring to provide a better experience for users with some vision An intuitive keyboard shortcut system so users can easily navigate the puzzle

4 Social Feasibility The modernization of this software is aimed to giving users a better experience by adding accessibility features Users will be familiar with the software Since this update is wanted and necessary, user co-operation shouldn’t be an issue

5 Economic Feasibility Since we’re free labor, cost is limited
The old software is still available and working so users always have access to a form of the application Our benefits of this software would be more accessible navigation, cross platform compatibility and better UI

6 Market Research There aren’t many games available to the visually impaired and blind Many games appear outdated and “clunky” to use Modernizing this application gives APH a competitive edge over other accessible game websites Cross platform capability appeals to a wide audience of users

7 Alternative Solution An alternative to creating a web application would be creating an executable game Depending on the wants and needs of APH, we may go with that solution

8 Project Risks An undetected bug could be present in our finished code
This application poses no inherent risks to APH as an organization

9 Questions, comments, concerns?

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