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TEMPLATE Introductory Comments

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1 TEMPLATE Introductory Comments
Environmental Services (ES) Optimization Project Kick Off and Site Visit Event Presenter: Date:

2 Thank You Thank you for taking the time to participate today in this KickOff and Site Visit Event. I am excited about the opportunity to improve the already great job that our Environmental Services Technicians do to support a safe patient environment.

3 Alignment of Goals I am also excited to see that the goals of this project align well with others already in process including: Reducing the risk of patient infections and the associated suffering and cost; Reducing patient length of stay; Improving patient satisfaction; Improving our quality and accreditation scores.

4 Reducing the Risk of HAI
Achieving a reduction in the risk of health care-associated infections (HAI) requires a multi- disciplinary effort. The Infection Prevention (IP) Program is of course led by our IP department with their ID physician director. But to be successful it must include the critical contributions of others, most notably the Environmental Services professionals.

5 Recognition of our ES Technicians
As we would probably all agree, one critical aspect of optimizing the outcomes of any department is recognition of a job well done. I am happy to see that supplementing the process of recognition of our Environmental Services Technicians is part of this project. I will look forward to doing my part to ensure success of this recognition program moving forward.

6 Supporting Project Success
Environmental Services Technicians play such an important role in patient safety. As such, they deserve the opportunity to be acknowledged, educated, and recognized for their contribution in patient safety. Without competent Environmental Services professionals there would be an overwhelming increase in HAIs.  Thank you again for giving your time to be here today, and for your dedication to this project!

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