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Outline The 2010 Baseline – Rubicode matrix

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2 Outline The 2010 Baseline – Rubicode matrix
Matrix: revised approach and reloading thru reporting (timeline) EEA activities: overview methodological approach: ecosystem accounting examples Website

3 From Baseline 2010… …to Target 2, Action 5 implementation.

NATIONAL AND REGIONAL ASSESSMENTS UK National Ecosystem Assessment Portuguese ecosystem assessment TEEB Med. Report TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES MA guidance CICES – classification of ecosystem services Ecosystem accounting land water carbon EEA thematic and integrated assessments (SOER, protected areas 2012, etc.) Reported data in EEA data centres (Natura 2000, article 17, WFD, MSFD) COM(JRC, Estat, ENV, MARE) reports, atlases, … EEA Ecosystem library (developing Eureca tool)

5 Matrix approach: streamline information from reported data / information and on-going ecosystem assessment work Terrestrial (e.g. agro-ecosystems, forests, semi-natural lands) Freshwater (e.g. rivers and lakes, wetlands) Marine (including EEZs and DOMs) Atmosphere Provisioning Nutrition Materials Energy Regulating Wastes Flow regulation Physical environment Biotic environment Cultural Symbolic Intellectual and experiential Conservation

6 Filling (reload) the matrix…
mid-2014: Parties report to CBD on mid-term implementation of Strategic Plan for Biodiversity, 2014: EU and MS report on mid-term implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 reporting on river basin management under WFD end 2013: MS reports to DG AGRI on RDP 2011 2012 2013 2014 October 2011 LULUCF reporting system proposal for 2020 : EU report on MS implementation of article 17 HD 2014: use of reported data on current environmental status under MSFD (reporting end 2012) June 2012: MS report to DG AGRI on implementation of EU Forest Strategy …and aggregated / integrated analysis

7 EEA methodological approach: ecosystem accounts to inform on natural capital management
Accounts allow for e.g. measurement of key ecosystem structures, functions & services in physical units, and measurement of ecosystem state and degradation

8 From Land Cover to Ecosystem Account: Landscape Ecological Potential
Corine land cover map (CLC is derived from satellite images) Green Landscape Index (derived from CLC) Nature Value (Naturilis, derived from Natura2000 designated areas) Fragmentation (Effective Mesh Size (MEFF) derived from TeleAtlas Roads and CLC) or Landscape Ecological Potential (LEP) by 1km² grid cell LEP by NUTS 2/3

9 Map Natural Capital degradation!

10 Based on provision and regulation services from different land cover/use,
mean importance of CICES service “Lifecycle maintenance & habitat protection - habitat diversity” per NUTS-x region. Definition of CICES service class Lifecycle maintenance & habitat protection - habitat diversity: All areas that contribute to habitat diversity and are thus assumed important for biodiversity enhancement

11 Support e.g. Green infrastructure objectives
GI & Ecosystem services: Underpinning the multiple functions that GI assets perform is the concept of ecosystem services. Health and wellbeing depends on the range of services provided by ecosystems and their constituent parts: water, soils, nutrients and organisms. These services include four broad types: provisioning: e.g. food, fibre, fuel; regulating: e.g. air quality, climate control, erosion control; and Habitat services: provide habitat for migratory species, including maintenance of genetic diversity cultural: non-material benefits for people, including aesthetic qualities and recreational experiences.

12 Using our information systems…

13 Website 13

14 …and developments of new functionalities, services and applications
Eye on Earth


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