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The festive period is just around the corner and different countries from around the world are beginning to prepare for the exciting tradition of Christmas!

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Presentation on theme: "The festive period is just around the corner and different countries from around the world are beginning to prepare for the exciting tradition of Christmas!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The festive period is just around the corner and different countries from around the world are beginning to prepare for the exciting tradition of Christmas! For this homework project, we would like you to explore and investigate the the celebration of Christmas in one country of your choice This homework is set from Remember to choose one activity from each row to complete so you do 3 activities in total. Don’t forget to practise your spellings and continue reading at home. Observe / Research Choose a country and create a factfile about it. Investigate the language spoken in your country. Note down any key phrases to make a beginners language book. Investigate a Christmas tradition in the country of your choice and present this in the form of a poster or leaflet. Create Make and taste a delicious Christmas treat from the country of your choice. Create a dinner plate to show the food eaten in your country during the festive period. Design a Christmas decoration from your chosen country. Write Imagine you are enjoying Christmas in the country of your choice. Write a letter to a pen pal to tell them all about your Christmas day. Write a Christmas song, rap, poem or rhyme about Christmas in the country of your choice. Create a persuasive leaflet advertising why you should visit your chosen country for christmas. Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Spellings w/c w/c w/c Sincere, sincerely, soldier Stomach, sufficient, insufficient,sufficiency Suggest, suggestion suggested Symbol, symbolism Symbolic, system, systematic, systematically Temperature, thorough Thoroughly, twelfth Variety, variable, vegetable Vehicle, yacht, yachting Detergent, enforcement Enlargement, excitement

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