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Nonprescription Counseling Basics

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Presentation on theme: "Nonprescription Counseling Basics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonprescription Counseling Basics
Pharmacy Practice

2 The Counseling Process
Opening Discussion Discussion to Gather Information and Identify problems Discussion to prevent and resolve problems Providing appropriate information Closing discussion Follow-up discussion

3 Opening Discussion Develop a helping relationship
Introductions (RPh and patient) Explain purpose and time involved

4 The SOAP Note Subjective Objective Assessment Plan

5 Subjective The information the patient gives you
Gathering Information: Communication techniques Tell me more about it Nonverbals, empathy Open ended questions Who, what, where, when, why, how Using “summary” to verify understanding (both RPh & pt.)

6 Subjective: Chief complaint
Symptom evaluation Location Timing Quality Associated symptoms Severity Setting/history Modifying factors Meaning to patient

7 Subjective: Patient History
Medical history: conditions & allergies Medication use: Rx and OTC Social :EtOH, tobacco, caffeine, rec. drugs Previous treatment, experience

8 Objective Physical data that you can observe or measure
Patient appearance Vital Signs Blood pressure Heart rate Respiratory rate Focus of P2 lab year

9 Assessment Identifying the problem
Differential: What could it be? Using subjective and objective information Explain why you reached your conclusion Includes therapeutic goals and alternatives

10 Assessment: To refer or not?
Age Nature and severity of symptoms Duration of symptoms Other existing conditions and medications Pregnancy Your confidence level

11 Plan Name of the medication Purpose Directions Desired effects
Unwanted effects and management Precautions Time frame for effectiveness

12 Plan Nonpharmacological recommendations Symptoms Conditions Follow-up

13 Closing Obtain feedback Verify understanding Written information
Documentation S.O.A.P. notes

14 Follow-up Timing Phone call or visit

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