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Status of Establishing Regional WIGOS Centers (RWCs) in Pilot Mode

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1 Status of Establishing Regional WIGOS Centers (RWCs) in Pilot Mode
Luis Nunes WMO Secretariat, Geneva

2 Current status of RWCs (1)
Region I (East Africa): Many indications of national interest (e.g. Morocco, Kenya, Tanzania, …; limited national resources. RWC pilot to be initiated in East Africa on DFID (UK) project funding, centered in Kenya and Tanzania - Recent discussions suggest that other Members may also apply. Region I (West Africa): indications of national interest (e.g. Morocco, Tunisia, …); Current discussions with CREWS - West Africa project to contribute to funding a RWC possibly centered at AgrHyMet/Niger. Region II (East Asia): China and Japan have both formally addressed P/RA-II to request recognition of RWCs in pilot mode in Beijing and in Tokyo, respectively; A coordination mechanism was agreed – details under discussion; Region II (West Asia): Indications of interest also from India and from Saudi Arabia, discussions to follow-up.

3 Current status of RWCs (2)
Region III: A Virtual RWC approved by RA III Session, with distributed functions involving initially Argentina and Brazil, following decision made in Chile, November 2018; Expectation that this RWC will be setup and start operations by mid-2019. Region IV: No clear path yet; USA may be willing to help. Region V: Indications of interest from Australia, Fiji, Indonesia, Singapore; was discussed at RA-V-17 in October. Region VI: successful RWC operating in pilot mode at DWD thanks to EUTMETNET engagement; tentative plans for RWCs also in Belarus (Russian-speaking countries in RA-II and RA-VI) and Croatia (specifically for marine observing systems).

4 Thank you

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