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Calshot Residential Trip 2019

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Presentation on theme: "Calshot Residential Trip 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calshot Residential Trip 2019

2 E Where is Calshot?

3 The Calshot trip is booked in for:
When will we be going? The Calshot trip is booked in for: 21st October – 25th October 2019.

4 Activities: Day: Evening: Skiing Egg drop Climbing Games Archery
Initiative/team challenges Low ropes Beach Bonanza Kayaking Raft building Orienteering (New Forest) Evening: Egg drop Games Film night Ringo/hangar orienteering challenge

5 A typical day at Calshot
7:00 Wake up and inspections 8:00 Breakfast 9:00 Morning activities 12:45 Lunch 1:45 Afternoon activities 6:00 Evening meal 7:00 Evening activities 8:30 Get ready for bed, shower time, quick inspection 9:00 Lights out

6 How do we support the children?
Every year, we have children who feel anxious about Calshot. We also have a lot of children who are incredibly excited. All children will feel a mixture of emotions at different times. We provide the children with: As much information as possible about the trip. Opportunities to speak with adults and children who have experienced the trip to discuss any worries.

7 Finally… Cost: £355. This price includes the cost of the coach.
A non-returnable £85 deposit by end of Autumn term then either: A one off payment of £270 due by July 2019 or 6 instalments of £45 between January and July 2019. Letter will go out tomorrow to book your child’s place and pay deposit Support is available – come and talk to us!

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