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Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff. Accessory organs produce secretions that aid the organs of the alimentary canal. Include: Salivary Glands Pancreas.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff. Accessory organs produce secretions that aid the organs of the alimentary canal. Include: Salivary Glands Pancreas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff

2 Accessory organs produce secretions that aid the organs of the alimentary canal. Include: Salivary Glands Pancreas Liver Gall Bladder

3 Located in the mouth 2 types of cells Serous: Produces thin, watery amalyse Mucus: Produces mucus that binds food particles together and lubricates them for swallowing. Amalyse + Mucus = Saliva

4 Parotid Submandibular Sublingual

5 Large, elongated gland that lies posterior to the stomach. Belongs to the endocrine & digestive systems. Produces digestive juices that travel from the pancreatic duct to the duodenum. Amalyse: Breaks down carbs. Proteinase: Breaks down proteins. Lipase: Breaks down lipids.

6 The largest gland in the body. Right side of the body Produces bile to break down fats. Breaks down nutrients & drugs in the blood. Stores iron Produces urea

7 Pear-shaped sac containing dark green bile. Located on the underside of the liver. Bile travels from the bile duct to the duodenum.

8 Hormones are produced and released by mucosa cells of the stomach and small intestines. Control Digestion: Gastrin: Causes the stomach to produce digestive acids. Secretin: Stimulates the pancreas and livers bile. CCK: Causes pancreas to release pancreatic juice and the gallbladder to empty. Control Appetite: Ghrelin: Stimulates appetite when theres lack of food in the digestive tract. Peptide YY: Inhibits appetite when the digestive system is full.

9 2 Sets of Teeth: Primary (Baby) Set: 20 teeth 3 yrs-6yrs. Permanent Set: 32 teeth 6yrs- adulthood

10 Incisors: Used for clipping or cutting off bites of food. 8 teeth front & center of mouth (4T, 4B) Canines: Used for tearing & ripping food. 4 corner teeth (2 T, 2 B) 1 st & 2 nd Premolars (Bicuspids): Used for chewing & grinding food. 8 teeth behind canines (4 t, 4 B) 1 st & 2 nd Molars: Used for chewing & grinding food. 8 teeth behind premolars (4 T, 4 B) 3 rd Molars: Used for chewing & grinding food. Wisdom Teeth 4 teeth behind 3 rd molars (2 T, 2 B)


12 A tooth has 2 divisions: Crown: White, visible part of tooth above the gumline. Root: Below the gumline and anchors the tooth in place.

13 Enamel: Hard substance that covers the crown and protects from decay. Dentin: Calcified layer beneath the enamel. Cementum: Covers the root and cements it into place in the jaw bone. Pulp: Center of the tooth that contains blood vessels & nerves.

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