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Faculty Senate Meeting

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1 Faculty Senate Meeting
April 25, 2019

2 Agenda Call to Order and Roll Call S. Raper, Secretary

3 Agenda Approval of Minutes March 21, 2019

4 Agenda III. Campus Reports A. Staff Council, J. Cook

5 Staff Council Staff Day Staff Council Stop By After
April 25, 2019 Staff Day Planning Continues for May 29 Tee shirts coming soon Donations/Volunteer – contact Lisa Winstead Staff Council Stop By After Staff Council Nominations

6 Agenda III. Campus Reports B. Student Council, M. Moore - NO REPORT

7 Agenda III. Campus Reports C. Council of Graduate Students - NO REPORT

8 Agenda IV. President’s Report M. Bruening

9 President’s Report Dr. Michael Bruening, Faculty Senate President

10 Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC)
Last IFC meeting, April 16 (President Choi was not present) Process for recording the last day of academic activity for students who fail or withdraw Required by Title IV federal law on financial aid Proposal to pull dates automatically from Canvas. Faculty member can override but in all cases must provide a LDA (last date of attendance) for failing students Emeritus CRR change proposals forthcoming Want to adjust to include NTTs We requested additional changes to limit non-faculty administrative emeritus titles

11 eLearning Task Force

12 IFC Data-driven assessment Consensual Romantic Relationships
Presentation to Curators to use more data for academic program review, using Academic Analytics Discussion of improvements to Academic Analytics Consensual Romantic Relationships Discussion on whether to revise CRR to prohibit relationships between faculty and any undergrad, and between faculty and any graduate student in the same dept. (U. Michigan has recently done this) – no consensus

13 Update on Referrals/Committee action
Bylaws revision: to be continued… New referral to Budgetary Affairs and Student Awards and Financial Aid Use of Department scholarship funds New referral to Personnel Committee Faculty annual review confidentiality agreement: available to deans again?

14 Budget Not pretty, budget cut proposals coming next week
Shifting state budget scenario State budget based on +1.6% Prediction reported last month: -1.5% to -3.5% Early April: -4.26% This week: +.06% Interest in a resolution giving up 2% merit raise pool to save staff jobs?

15 Chancellor Search Update
2 finalists interviewed on campus over the last week Hope for an agreement in “10-14 days” (from Tues.)

16 Upcoming Events May 7: General Faculty Meeting, President Choi present to discuss budget, chancellor’s search May 13: Deadline for FERRC (Faculty External Rewards and Recognitions Committee) nominations (see Barb’s of April 19) May 17-18: Commencement From Student Council: Today, 4:45pm, Fitness Center Dedication CET evals open this weekend. Dinner for dept with highest response rate

17 Recent Recognitions Mark Fitch, President’s Award for University Citizenship—Service Kate Sheppard, S&T’s Woman of the Year

18 Recent Recognitions Katie Shannon, Women’s Advocate of the Year Award
Kelvin Erickson, Governor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

19 Department Chair CRR Curators passed revision of CRR and annulled the section of our bylaws on chair searches In response to feedback: Final version requires 50% of chair search committee to be department faculty Requires department faculty input on chair reappointment Acknowledges role of chair as “liaison” between department and administration

20 Moving Forward on Chair Searches
Need feedback on temporary proposal (below) and ideas for long-term proposal (Bylaws revision? Policy memorandum? Other?) 1. The Department chair shall be appointed by the Dean, with the approval of the Provost and Chancellor (per CRR ) after consultation with a duly appointed search committee. 2. When the Dean becomes aware of an impending department chair vacancy, s/he shall meet with the department faculty to discuss the search process, including the question of whether the search should be internal or external.

21 Chair Search Draft Proposal
3. With the department’s input, the Dean will make the final decision on whether the search will be internal or external. Internal searches require the approval of the Provost and Chancellor (per CRR ). 4. The Dean will then appoint a search committee. The search committee will consist of a majority of department faculty (per CRR ), chosen by the voting faculty members of the department (per AAUP guidelines). The faculty shall endeavor to assemble a diverse and inclusive set of representatives. 5. The Dean may add faculty, staff, and other relevant constituents to ensure shared governance and diverse input on candidates (per CRR ).

22 Chair Search Draft Proposal
6. The Chief Diversity Officer will be asked to review the composition of the search committee, and if the composition does not meet an appropriate representation, may seek or provide alternative or additional nominations for the Dean’s consideration, while ensuring that the department faculty remain a majority of the committee. 7. The search committee shall meet and receive its charge from the Dean. 8. The Dean shall appoint a search committee chair selected from the department faculty representatives at the time the charge is delivered to the search committee. The committee may forward up to three committee member names for consideration by the Dean in the selection of a chair.

23 Chair Search Draft Proposal
9. The search committee and the committee charge shall follow an established, approved faculty/academic hiring process. 10. At the conclusion of the search process, the search committee will submit its recommendations to the voting faculty members of the department, who will vote on the acceptability of all finalist candidates. Candidates who receive support from a majority of voting faculty members will be considered acceptable. 11. The department faculty will then submit an unranked list of all acceptable candidates, noting their strengths and weaknesses, to the Dean.

24 Chair Search Draft Proposal
12. The Dean will either select the new department chair from the department’s list of approved candidates, or will extend the search. 13. In cases when an interim chair needs to be appointed for any reason, the Dean will consult with the full department faculty, who may recommend one or more candidates for the position.

25 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees A. Curricula Committee

26 Total Committee Activity
CCC Meetings 3 April 8 May (upcoming) Total Committee Activity 8 Degree change request (DC forms) 16 Course change requests (CC forms) 13 Experimental course requests (EC forms)

27 Degree Changes (DC) Requested
File: BUSAPPS-MI: Business Applications and Software Development Minor File: CP ENG-BS: Computer Engineering BS File: EL ENG-BS: Electrical Engineering BS File: GE ENG-MS: Geological Engineering MS (overview) File: GEO ENG-MS: GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING MS (program requirements) File: GL&GPH-MS: Geology and Geophysics MS File: 271 PROPOSED*: Geology and Geophysics PhD File: MC ENG-BS: Mechanical Engineering BS

28 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: ART 3100: Advanced Art Studio File: ART 3500: Innovation Through Design Thinking File: 4601 CHEM 5640: Neurochemistry with Clinical Correlations File: CIV ENG 3116: Construction Materials, Properties And Testing File: EDUC 3280: Teaching Methods and Skills in Content Areas File: EDUC 4299: Student Teaching File: 21.1 ENG MGT 5320: Project Management File: GEO ENG 1150: Physical and Environmental Geology File: GEOLOGY 1110: Physical And Environmental Geology File: GEOLOGY 1119: Physical and Environmental Geology Laboratory File: GEOLOGY 2610: Mineralogy And Crystallography

29 Course Changes (CC) Requested
File: 4604 GEOLOGY 5100: Professional Geoscience Skills File: 4605 GEOLOGY 6100: Advanced Professional Geoscience Skills File: 4609 NUC ENG 5507: Nuclear Policy File: 4611 NUC ENG 5509: Nuclear Nonproliferation File: SPANISH 2110: Basic Spanish Conversation

30 Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions
Discussion: Questions or comments?

31 For Informational Purposes; No Senate Approval Required
Experimental Course (EC) Requests File: 4600 AERO ENG : The Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of Advanced Aerospace Propulsion Systems File: 4602 ARCH ENG : Building Physics File: 4610 BIO SCI Pathogenic Microbiology Lab File: 4591 CHEM ENG : Catalysis and Reaction Kinetics File: 4606 ENGLISH : Lives and Works of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis File: 4587 GEO ENG : Field Methods in Surface and Subsurface Hydrology

32 For Informational Purposes; No Senate Approval Required
Experimental Course (EC) Requests File: 4603 GEOLOGY : Preparation and Review for ASBOG Exam File: 4607 MATH : Introduction to Numerical Analysis File: 4615 MKT : Brand Management File: 4580 MUSIC : History of Music in Film File: 4613 NUC ENG : Nuclear Forensics File: 4585 PHILOS : Philosophy of Technology File: 4599 STAT : Pensions and Social Security

33 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees Public Occasions, S. Sedigh Sarvestani

34 Public Occasions Committee Report
Motion for approval of revised academic calendar for the academic year.

35 Motion for Revision of 2020-2021 Academic Calendar
The Public Occasions Committee moves that the following revisions be made to the academic calendars.

36 Fall Semester 2020 International Student Orientation August 11, Tuesday Freshman Orientation begins August 16, Sunday Transfer Transitions August 20, Thursday New Graduate Student Orientation August 21, Friday Open Registration Ends August 23, Sunday Fall semester opens 8:00 a.m. August 24, Monday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m. August 24, Monday Labor Day Holiday September 7, Monday Career Fair September 22, Tuesday Fall Break begins 8:00 a.m. October 1, Thursday Fall Break ends 8:00 a.m. October 5, Monday Mid-Semester October 17, Saturday Thanksgiving vacation begins 8:00 a.m. November 22, Sunday Thanksgiving vacation ends 8:00 a.m. November 30, Monday Last Class Day December 11, Friday Final Examinations begin 7:30 a.m. December 14, Monday Final Examinations end 5:00 p.m. December 18, Friday Commencement- 10 a.m. December 19, Saturday Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees in Designated Departments Commencement – 3:30 p.m. December 19, Saturday

37 Spring Semester 2021 (no change)
International Student Orientation January 12, Tuesday New Graduate Student Orientation January 15, Friday Open Registration Ends January 18, Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition Holiday January 18, Monday Spring semester opens 8:00 a.m. January 19, Tuesday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m. January 19, Tuesday Career Fair February 16, Tuesday Spring Recess begins 8:00 a.m. March 11, Thursday Mid-Semester March 13, Saturday Spring Recess ends 8:00 a.m. March 15, Monday Spring Break begins 8:00 a.m. March 21, Sunday Spring Break ends 8:00 a.m. March 29, Monday Last Class Day May 7, Friday Final Examinations begin 7:30 a.m. May 10, Monday Final Examinations end 5:00 p.m. May 14, Friday Spring Semester closes 6:00 p.m. May 14, Friday Commencement – 6:00 p.m May 14, Friday Graduate and Undergraduate Degrees in Designated Departments Commencement - 10am May 15, Saturday Commencement - 3:30pm May 15, Saturday

38 Summer Session 2021 (no change)
Open Registration Ends June 6, Sunday Summer session opens 8:00 a.m. June 7, Monday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m. June 7, Monday Independence Day Holiday (observed) July 2, Friday Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m. July 29, Thursday Final Examinations end 12:30 p.m. July 30, Friday Summer Sessions closes 12:30 p.m. July 30, Friday Schedule shows the regular eight-week Summer Session. Other special four-week course sessions may be scheduled.

39 Class sessions (excluding final examinations)
The faculty is reminded of the religious and other holidays that a substantial number of students may wish to observe. M T W TH F S Fall Semester 14 15 Spring Semester Summer Semester 8 7

40 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees
Budgetary Affairs, R. Dawes for M. Fitch

41 Budgetary Affairs Committee
March 21, 2019 Active referrals: Scholarship offsets Distance revenue by academic department, and a breakdown of distributions Continuing: Report on the “big picture balance sheet”, with tracking of changes in each item – received, not discussed as yet Current and next FY budget = this report

42 Scholarship offsets Offset: save overall costs by giving scholarships from departments, effectively a budget cut Decrease in net scholarship funding Board papers = possible issue Disparity in scholarship funds amongst departments Development officers will work with department chairs to get input to design a new process by December for the next academic year Board papers are the contract made when establishing the endowment that finds a scholarship Disparity: a few departments have substantial scholarships, others have almost none. The use of scholarships differs amongst the departments, some recruit, others reward.

43 Distance Revenue Distribution (Current)
Instructional Dept 40% Global 35% Provost 5% Dean 5% Campus* 15% *Goes into general revenue pool Info from VC Plain, not discussed in meeting

44 Distribution (thousands of $)
Departments FY2019* YTD FY2018 FY2017 FY2016 Engineering Mgt & Sys Engr 313.9 682.3 773.1 861.7 Mining & Nuclear Engineering 176.6 325.4 334.9 410.0 Business & Information Tech 160.5 308.4 330.1 344.0 S & T Global - St. Louis 158.9 277.8 288.2 321.3 Geosciences & Geological & Pet Eng 125.9 249.4 247.3 257.7 Mechanical & Aerospace Engin 101.7 279.1 317.5 263.3 Psychological Science 83.5 95.6 68.6 28.7 Civil, Arch & Environ Engr 80.7 195.1 162.6 158.0 Electrical & Computer Engineer 63.1 140.5 199.6 185.6 Computer Science 23 65.5 86.4 91.1 Mathematics & Statistics 16.4 41.0 47.7 31.5 English & Tech Communication 5.8 5.2 1.5 5.7 Chemical & Biochemical Engr 1.4 - Economics 6.4 Department Total 1,311.50 2,666.80 2,863.90 2,958.60 CASB 33.3 57.1 57.7 52.9 CEC 130.7 276.2 300.3 317 Provost 163.9 333.4 358 369.8 Global 1,147.60 2,333.50 2,505.90 2,588.80 “Campus” (GRA) 917.5 1,000.10 1,073.90 1,109.50 Total Distance Collected 6,118.20 6,667.10 7,159.60 7,396.50 Dep’ts sorted by amount this FY. Rounded to nearest. Copy of complete data available, ask Fitch. Distance collected does not compute for FY2019 because 2.84 million $ not yet distributed. *Revenue collected as of 04/16/19; SP19 Revenue distribution will occur when semester ends

45 Anticipated Changes for FY 21
$ Millions -1.0 Loss of tuition, 50 fewer freshmen and non-resident grad students Fall Scholarship increases (1.0 – 2.4 million possible) -1.0 Decrease in non-resident grad students Fall % merit raise pool % equity pool -0.2 P&T and Post Tenure Review -1.0 Benefits cost increase (mostly medical) -0.5 Other cost increases -8.0 Original planning assumption net cut (= $3.3 million decrease in revenue, $4.7 million increase in costs) -2.7 = Possible 200 fewer freshmen, Fall 2019 [-400 is possible] Total budget cut (about 7.3% of about $147 million budget) Unchanged from last report, but note number fewer freshmen might be much larger, 400, than previously estimated, if so, -3 million further. State budget uncertain, this assumes no net change.

46 Agenda V. Reports of Standing Committees D. Administrative Review
I. Ferguson

47 Administrative Review Committee (ARC)
Positons to be reviewed Provost Vice Provost and Dean of College of Arts, Sciences, and Business (VPD CASB) Vice Provost and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computing (VPD CEC) The final reports have been received Administrative Review Committee The surveys were loaded onto Qualtrics and underwent extensive testing before deployment. The time to complete the surveys was extended to Saturday April 13th due to spring break. There has been statistically significant response for each person being reviewed; Provost 141 people, VPD CASB 67 people and VPD CEC 108 people. The final reports were collated, downloaded and reviewed for any expletives or unintentional markers that would point to the person completing the review. The chair of the administrative review committee is currently scheduling a meeting with the Faculty Senate Officers. Any comments or questions to the Chair of ARC Ian Ferguson

48 Agenda VI. Administrative Reports A. Chancellor’s Report - NO REPORT

49 Agenda VI. Administrative Reports B. Provost’s Report

50 Faculty Senate Update Robert Marley, Provost April 25, 2019

51 Updates Vice Provost, Enrollment Management
Paul Orscheln, Assoc. Vice President, Enrollment Mgmt. and Student Retention, Missouri Western State University Effective June 1, 2019 Vice Provost and Dean, Library Hsin-liang (Oliver) Chen Effective July 1, 2019

52 Additional Searches UM System Chief eLearning Officer
4 candidates to be interviewed next week in Columbia (and telepresence) Considerations of our VP of Global Learning search Selection of eLearning service vendor 1996…


54 Agenda New Business Elections

55 Agenda VIII. Adjourn 55

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