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Intervening Word Groups

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1 Intervening Word Groups
Writing Lab Intervening Word Groups

2 Basics Verbs agree with their subjects in number (singular, plural). Often the word closest to the verb is not the subject, especially if there is an intervening word group like a prepositional phrase between the subject and the verb. A verb should agree with its subject, not the object of a prepositional phrase or the headword in another kind of phrase that appears between the subject and the verb.

3 Examples The Secretary of State, as well as the other Cabinet members, was with the president. The subject of the sentence is Secretary of State, not members; therefore, the singular verb form was is correct. The people who listen to that kind of music are awesome. The subject of the sentence is people, not music; therefore, the plural verb are is correct.

4 That’s all, folks! This lesson is part of the UWF Writing Lab Grammar Mini-Lesson Series Lessons adapted from Real Good Grammar, Too by Mamie Webb Hixon To find out more, visit the Writing Lab’s website where you can take a self-scoring quiz corresponding to this lesson

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