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Alfred Hitchcock The Master of Suspense.

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Presentation on theme: "Alfred Hitchcock The Master of Suspense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alfred Hitchcock The Master of Suspense

2 1899 -1980 Born in London, England Middle class
Went to college for engineering Always loved films

3 An Artist at Heart Talented illustrator Designed sets Storyboards

4 Storyboards from “The Birds”

5 “The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema.”

6 Early Success “The White Shadow” Silent film 24 years old

7 His Reputation Strong imagery Formed pictures to tell the story
Perfectionist Tough on actors

8 “Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.”

9 Common Hitchcock Themes
Innocent man mistakenly accused of a crime who must then track down the real perpetrator in order to clear himself. .

10 Second Theme Guilty woman involves an innocent man & ends up either destroying him or being saved by him; examples of this theme include: Notorious, Rebecca & Vertigo.

11 The Dark Side Theme The third theme is a murderer whose identity is revealed as the plot unfolds. Examples of this theme include Shadow of a Doubt, Rope, Rear Window, and Psycho.

12 “Rear Window” 1954 See video

13 “Disturbia” a Hitchcock rip off
Lawsuit against Dreamworks & Steven Spielberg Plot Judge ruled against writer

14 Famous Films “Psycho” 1960 “Dial M for Murder” 1954

15 “The Birds” 1963

16 Storyboards in Action See video

17 Hitch’s Blondes “Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.”


19 Inventive Techniques Dolly Zoom “Zolly” Use of shadows
Less is more approach See videos

20 The Cameo Appearance Started showing up in his films
Non speaking roles Audiences loved it..maybe too much!


22 TV “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”
“Television has brought back murder into the home where it belongs.”

23 Honors & Titles His films Nominated for 50 Oscars
3 Golden Globes, 4 Emmys AFI Lifetime Achievement Award Knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1980, died 4 months later

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