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The phenomenon of early aging of regulatory system in diabetes type 2

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1 The phenomenon of early aging of regulatory system in diabetes type 2
Irina Kurnikova MD-PhD, Professor of Medicine in Endocrinology,  RUDN-university (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia), Moscow. 1

2 Diabetes mellitus and system of regulation

3 The level of regulation of physiological functions
The functional state of the homeostasis maintenance systems provides for several levels: State of the norm; Functional tension with mobilization of protective forces; A state of overvoltage with a lack of adaptive potential; The state of exhaustion of regulatory systems.

4 Regulatory systems of the body
Level of control; Level of regulation; Management level V.V Parin, R.M.Baevsky,1997

5 The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of diabetes mellitus on mechanisms of autonomic regulatory in different age groups Indicators of spectral analysis: GP- general power; HF- high frequency; LF- low frequency; VLF,- very low frequency; ULF- ultra low frequency; IVB - ratio between LF & HF; HF (%), LF (%), VLF (%), ULF (%); Index of Centre (IC) Frequency ranges: Hz (very low frequencies - VLF) - reflects the functional state of the supra- segmental structures; 0,09-0,16 Hz (low frequencies - LF) - reflects the activity of the sympathetic system; Hz (high frequencies - HF) - activity of the parasympathetic nervous system at the segmental level Index of Centre (IC) - Ratio of the activity of the central regulation loop to the autonomous - (LF+VLF)/HF;

6 Age spectrum of frequency ranges in patients with diabetes mellitus
Index Age20-30 л.(n=19) Age31-40 л (n=24) Age41-50 л (n=21) Age51-60 л (n=37) CI H.Rд.ср. SDNN(мс²) сут SDANN(мс²) сут pNN 50% TF(мс²) ULF (%) ULF (мс²) VLF (%) VLF(мс²) LF (%) LF(мс²) HF (%) HF(мс²) LF/HF 130,2±11,1** 87,4±1, 9* 31,1±7,7** 57,9±14,5* 6,6±0, 9** 12155,6±54,6 20,7±3,1* 2236,9±29,8** 31,9±7,2 3607,5±44,1** 28,4±3,7 3751,8±91,0* 18,96±2,1 2559,6±29,1** 1,77±0,7 132±9,6* 87,8±7,4* 0,021±0,01** 0,05±0,01** 8,4±0,3* 3978,3±41,9* 56,6±7,4 2383,2±31,7 27,3±2,4 864,7±36,3 6,75±1,0** 289,2±22,7 9,36±0, 9* 460,7±27,0 1,11±0,4 125,5±3,7* 81,9±6,1* 0,031±0,01** 0,052±0,01** 4,7±0,2 5621,3±67,4* 47,9±3,1* 2502,5±28,5** 23,4±7,7 1393,9±21,4* 13,3±3,8* 880,3±12,1 15,2±2,1* 987,4±31, 9* 0,96±0,03* 124,4±9,8* 84,0±12,1* 0,042±0,01* 0,081±0,02** 5,4±0,2 4437,8±27,4* 41,0±4,2* 1945,9±29,5* 23,0±3,7 1636,9±21,8* 18,9±7,2* 1400,1±61,4* 17,3±4,4* 1161,7±17, 9* 1,09±0,03*

7 Indicators of variability of heart rhythm

8 Findings: Patients with diabetes at the age of years we have seen a decrease in parasympathetic activity, which is more typical for patients the next decade of life. Since the age of 41, there was considerable centralization on mechanism of regulation (increase VLF), which usually starts years later. The decrease in the total power spectrum on the background of inadequate compensator of diabetes showed decrease of reserve opportunities of the organism.

9 Conclusion & Significanceation

10 Thank you for your attention

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