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Chapter 15 Review Protist.

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1 Chapter 15 Review Protist

2 What is the term for protists with animal-like characteristics?
(a) amoebas (b) protozoans (c) sarcodinians (d) zooflagellates

3 Protozoan

4 An amoeba can survive harsh conditions by forming a
(a) pseudopod (b) cyst (c) diatom (d) spore

5 cysts

6 Sarcodinians are protozoans that move by extending lobes of
(a) cytoplasm (b) nuclei (c) plasmodium (d) flagella

7 Cystoplasm

8 Kelp belong to which group of Algae
(a) green algae (b) brown algae (c) diatoms (d) red algae

9 Brown

10 The air bladders of the giant kelp keep the leaflike portion of the kelp near the water’s surface to aid in (a) conjugation (b) transportation (c) photosynthesis (d) reproduction

11 photosynthesis

12 Which phylum of protozoa are nonmotile
(a) Sarcodina (b) Ciliophora (c) Zooflagellates (d) Sporozoa

13 Sporozoa

14 Which of the following causes malaria
(a) Plasmodium (b) Trypanosoma (c) mosquitoes (d) Paramecium

15 Plasmodium

16 What is the name for the protists that perform photosynthesis
(a) algae (b) dinoflagellates (c) sporozoans (d) ciliates

17 Algae

18 What protozoan causes African Sleeping Sickness in humans
(a) Plasmodium (b) Paramecium (c) Trichonympha (d) Trypanosoma

19 Trypanosoma

20 Protozoa are placed into different phyla according to their
(a) size (b) movement (c) color (d) shape

21 Movement

22 Algae that lack both cilia and flagella but have cell walls containing silica are
(a) brown algae (b) euglenoids (c) diatoms (d) green algae

23 Diatoms

24 What is the feeding stage in the life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold?
(a) Zygote (b) fungi (c) sporozoite (d) plasmodium

25 Plasmodium

26 A red tide is made up of unicellular organisms called
(a) dinoflagellates (b) diatoms (c) red algae (d) red blood cells

27 dinoflagellates

28 Animal like protists

29 Protozoa

30 Can attack injured skin or gill tissue on fish

31 Water mold

32 Process of surrounding food and engulfing it

33 Phagocytosis

34 Single-celled algae that has animal like characteristics

35 Euglenoid

36 Causes malaria in humans

37 Plasmodium

38 Tiny hairlike threads found on a paramecium

39 Cilia

40 A group of cells that live together in close association

41 Colony

42 Final Question

43 Protozoa that uses flagella to move

44 ZooFlagettes (ex trypsonoma)

45 Some scientists have problems classifying Euglenoids as plant-like protists. What characteristics do Euglenoids have that cause these problems?

46 Lack rigid cell wall Have a flagella

47 List the four phyla(or groups) of protozoans, explain the type of movement they exhibit, and give an example of an organism that belongs to each group

48 1. Sarcodina—Move using blob, foramniferans
2. Zooflagellates – have one or more flagella for Movement, Trichonympha, Trypanosoma 3. Ciliates(Ciliophora) – move by tiny hair-like structures called cilia, Paramecium 4. Sporozoans – are parasitic and lack structures for movement. plasmodium, malaria

49 What are three ecological roles that protists have in the biosphere?

50 1. Food source 2. Production of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas through photosynthesis. 3. Kill and eat harmful bacteria

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