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Nucleosomes assembled with FACT have similar MNase digestion pattern as salt-reconstituted nucleosomes. Nucleosomes assembled with FACT have similar MNase.

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1 Nucleosomes assembled with FACT have similar MNase digestion pattern as salt-reconstituted nucleosomes. Nucleosomes assembled with FACT have similar MNase digestion pattern as salt-reconstituted nucleosomes. (A) 1 μM FACT was mixed with 250 nM (H3–H4)2 tetramer and 500 nM H2A–H2B dimer and then 250 nM 207-bp 601 DNA was added. The supershifted FACT-containing complex was removed by M2 resin, and the flow through (containing various assembly products not bound by FACT) was collected for MNase digestion. (B) Protected DNA fragments were quantified using a Bioanalyzer. Nucleosomes assembled by FACT (red trace) have similar MNase digestion pattern compared with salt-reconstituted nucleosome (blue line). A different pattern is observed in the absence of FACT (mock sample, green line). Tao Wang et al. LSA 2018;1:e © 2018 Wang et al.

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