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By Sankeisha Scroggins Learning Outcomes You will... Learn why caring for your teeth is important Be able to describe how to keep your smile healthy.

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2 By Sankeisha Scroggins

3 Learning Outcomes You will... Learn why caring for your teeth is important Be able to describe how to keep your smile healthy and bright Name and describe foods that are good for your teeth and those thatcause tooth decay

4 Why Our Teeth Are Important Right now, you have 20 baby teeth. By the time you are about 18 years old, you will have 32 adult teeth. Eventually, you will lose your baby teeth. They will be replaced by your adult teeth. Your adult teeth will be permanent. You will not get another set. So, you must take very good care of your teeth.

5 Brushing and Flossing Brushing helps remove plaque from your teeth. Plaque is a sticky coating on your teeth that is caused by bacteria and food particles. If left on your teeth, it can cause cavities. We should brush our teeth after every meal or at least twice a day. Flossing helps to remove food and plaque from between teeth - areas that your brush cannot reach. You should floss at least once a day.

6 Eating Healthy Eating tooth friendly foods can also help keep your teeth in great shape! Milk and foods made from milk make your teeth strong. They are rich in calcium. Fruits and vegetables are also healthy for your teeth.

7 Foods That Are NOT Tooth Friendly Some foods are not tooth friendly. These foods contain a lot of sugar. Sugary foods cause plaque to build up on your teeth. This plaque can cause cavities. You should avoid foods that have a lot of sugar and foods that stick to your teeth.

8 Tooth Decay If we do not care properly for our teeth, we may get cavities. Cavities are holes in teeth caused by plaque. Often, cavities are very painful.

9 References ailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=152&id=1474#3

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