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WP5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

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1 WP5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination
NTNU, EUR, CAUPD, CCUD Annemie Wyckmans (NTNU) WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

2 WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination
WP5 Objectives To facilitate, coordinate and document interaction with urban stakeholders in Living Labs, Reference Cities, URBAN-EU-CHINA, and other urban stakeholder representatives of authorities, industry, research, and citizens. Test, consolidate & transfer research outcomes of WP 1-4 with 2-4 Chinese Living Labs Promote & facilitate exchange of knowledge and good practices with Reference Cities Communicate results to URBAN-EU-CHINA Strategic R&I Agenda and Evidence Base Communicate, disseminate, exploit and broker TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA results towards external stakeholder organisations External Stakeholders URBAN-EU-CHINA Reference Cities Living Labs WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

3 WP5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination
(Lead: NTNU; Co-Lead: CAUPD) Task 5.1: Living Labs (Lead: NTNU, Co-Lead: CCUD, Contributors: CAUPD) Task 5.2: Reference Cities (Lead: EUR, Co-Lead: CCUD, Contributors: CAUPD, NTNU) Task 5.3 Contribution to URBAN-EU-CHINA (Lead: NTNU, Co-Lead: CAUPD, Contributors: CCUD, all) Task 5.4: Dissemination, exploitation and brokerage with other initiatives and stakeholders (Lead: EUR; Co-lead: CAUPD; Contributors: All) WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

4 Result: Task 5.1: Living Labs
Objectives for TRANS-URBAN Living Labs: Innovation hubs for co-creation between project partners and local stakeholders Investigate transformation strategies to make a specific neighbourhood more socially integrative Test, evaluate and optimise the real-life performance of the solutions developed in WPs 1-4 In cooperation with local citizens, authorities and other stakeholders. in particular urban authorities, real estate developers, public service providers and citizens Learn, inspire and disseminate project knowledge Input into the online compendium in WP6

5 Result: Task 5.1: Living Labs
Actions ULL Expert Workshop in Sept 2018 in Beijing, in cooperation with JPI Urban Europe and UEC List of success criteria and potential pitfalls for Chinese Living Labs Identified four potential Living Labs, each with at least one Chinese partner as main contact: Tianjin (CCUD), Wuhan (CAS), and Jingdezhen and XiongAn (CAUPD) Each WP has identified 1 Living Lab as it main activity, and will contribute to the other ULLs D5.2 “Report on the living lab knowledge base” submitted (23rd Jan 2019 ) Prepare for partner meetings in Jingdezhen (Autumn 2019) and Wuhan (Spring 2020) Perform mapping of local community stakeholders as well as urban decision makers that need to be involved in the living lab, discuss appropriate governance models for interaction and decision-making between TRANS-URBAN partners and the local authorities, and set realistic targets for each living lab.

6 Results: Task 5.1: Living Labs
Jingdezhen (CAUPD) Wuhan (CAS/UN-H) Tianjin (CCUD) XiongAn (CAUPD) Performed: Site visits & meetings with local authorities Planned: Partner meeting Autumn 2019 WP1: urban regeneration in traditional heritage areas with local community WP2: First test of toolbox WP3: First test of urban regeneration + expansion WP4: Knowledge Café, Foresight workshop & Data collecting and analysis Performed: Meetings & Site visits with local authorities, developer & UN-Habitat Placemaking Week (UN-H) Planned: Partner meeting Spring 2020 WP2: Test toolbox and gaming to bridge planning & implementation gap WP3: urban regeneration, & urban expansion areas. WP4: Knowledge Café, Foresight workshop & Data collecting and analysis WP5: Training of staff Performed: Meetings & site visits with Tianjin Free Trade Zone Contact with urban planning authorities for cooperation Planned: WP5 responsibility with partner contributions Additional travel funding by local authorities & CCUD ULL workshop during CCUD Forum May 2019 with JPI Urban Europe Development of action plan Workshop during CCUD Forum in May 2020 Performed: XiongAn Conference December 2018 Planned: WP5 responsibility with partner contributions On-demand contributions to expert workshops etc towards CAUPD Nordic Edge China session with XiongAn authorities on 10 April 2019 XiongAn Conference 2019 WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

7 Results Task 5.2 Reference Cities
Involve cities First concrete outputs are being made public based on the 11 Deliverables that have been produced thus far (pending PO approval) Drawing from URBAN-EU-CHINA, input from more than 30 pairs of cities has been gathered Europe: Two cities (Tel Aviv and Leeds) expressed interest to sign and become Reference Cities Provide guidance to cities Project activities and first scientific results were communicated to cities More city-targeted activities are being planned based on the 11 Deliverables that have been produced thus far (pending PO approval) Tailored dissemination Activities will mostly be executed in project year 3 WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

8 Results Task 5.3 Contribution to URBAN-EU-CHINA
Contribution to R&I Agenda Extracted key contributions from WP 1-4 as input for the URBAN-EU-CHINA R&I Agenda for EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation. Contribution to Evidence Base Extracted key contributions from WP 1-4 as input for the URBAN-EU-CHINA Evidence Base on EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation. WP 5 ULL Wuhan, Tianjin and Jingdezhen showcased as city-city partnerships with European partners Wuhan-Manchester city partnership awarded as first powerhouse demonstration project in EU-China sustainable urbanization WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

9 WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination
Results: Task 5.4 Dissemination, exploitation and brokerage with other initiatives and stakeholders Dissemination and exploitation strategy DES was compiled and submitted on time and according to the work description, then communicated to all project partners Dissemination activities targeting other initiatives Flyer, poster and roll-ups were created and produced Website, social media accounts set-up and running, and updated regularly Communication with relevant projects and initiatives evolving Organisation of multiple events, with the participation of external stakeholders and experts in all project meetings (Dresden, Beijing, Turin) WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

10 WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination
Challenges Task 5.1: Balance TRANS-URBAN research with Chinese ULL expectations and conditions on the ground Flexible approach, co-creation of plans, balancing remote work with physical presence Concentrate as much ULL activity as possible around partner meetings Activities, data collection and follow-up with urban authorities in between meetings Task 5.2: Creating attention for TRANS-URBAN research towards Chinese and European cities Using existing city networks in China and Europe to attract reference cities towards TRANS-URBAN results Build targeted messages towards cities, based on TRANS-URBAN research results Task 5.3: Making a clear distinction between TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA and URBAN-EU-CHINA Explicit distinction between CSA and RIA activities When cooperating on events or activities, distinguish contributions from both projects Task 5.4: Balance own dissemination initiatives with contribution to established initiatives Well-connected through partner networks as well as Advisory Board Distinct approaches towards Chinese and European audiences WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

11 WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination
Outlook Task 5.1: Partner meetings in the ULLs in Autumn 2019 (Jingdezhen) & Spring 2020 (Wuhan) Local workshops in each ULL to gather data and test research results Task 5.2: Enhancing the impact of reference cities through systematic experience reporting of the Chinese ULL Attracting other Chinese cities to learn of relevant experiences Expand the number of reference cities Attracting European cities to participate as reference cities: targeted s and articles from EUROCITIES & event in Tallinn (17/05/2019) Task 5.3: Feedback workshop on URBAN-EU-CHINA R&I Agenda Continue to extract relevant information of TRANS-URBAN deliverables to URBAN-EU-CHINA database of success stories Task 5.4 A new leaflet to promote the ULL and the work that will take place there A full range of different events in Turin (ongoing) and the Autumn 2019 and Spring 2020 project meetings WP 5 Living Labs, Exploitation & Dissemination

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