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DARTER: Diffusion Approximation Tools for Extinction Risk Estimation

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Presentation on theme: "DARTER: Diffusion Approximation Tools for Extinction Risk Estimation"— Presentation transcript:

1 DARTER: Diffusion Approximation Tools for Extinction Risk Estimation
Brice semmens Eli Holmes

2 Typical PVA: Two Parts parameterize a model of a population based on data by finding the best fit (Max Like) Use the best-fit parameters to project future states of the population.

3 PVA: Step One

4 PVA: Step One Parameters: GROWTH RATE AND ERROR

5 PVA: Step Two Use best parameter fits to simulate future
Do 1000’s of times to get probs of extinction per timestep

6 % Chance of Extinction By Year

7 Why is better (part 1)? It uses a state-space Kalman filter that allows for both process and non-process error. So what's the big deal? --Functionally it filters the data, and allows a more accurate fit for population parameters of interest.

8 Problem 1

9 FIX! We use a state-space model to simultaneously account for process and non-process errors Functionally it filters the data, and allows a more accurate fit for population parameters of interest

10 Problem 2 The best fit is not the only fit!

11 Problem 2 The best fit is not the only fit!

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