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Illinois SMART School Academy

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Presentation on theme: "Illinois SMART School Academy"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-2018 Illinois SMART School Academy
Session IV, Day 8 April 12, 2018

2 Tell Us Your Stories! Time: 90 minutes (2/2 slides)
Resources Required: District / School Presentation Materials; separate tables / areas for teams to meet. Purpose: Learn about each school or district’s journey of learning Lecture Notes: Activity Notes: 10 minute presentations followed by 20 minutes of conversation

3 Team Time to Debrief and Plan
Time: 60 minutes (1/1 slides) Resources Required: Team presentations Purpose: Time to debrief all teams’ stories and to process what was learned from the full experience. Lecture Notes: Activity Notes:

4 Team Learning Identify patterns of challenges and successes from the stories you heard. What did you learn that you may want to incorporate into your own plans going forward? Document specific tools, strategies and approaches you heard from your colleagues. How did other schools and districts go about engaging their entire staff in the SMART School Improvement Process? Note key takeaways from these two days.


6 Your plan…leads to change

7 SMART Coaching Cycle STAGE 4: STAGE 1: STAGE 3: STAGE 2: Plan to
Take Action STAGE 1: Set the Foundation Page 144 of your Participant Manual STAGE 3: Identify the Need for Change STAGE 2: Examine the Data

8 SMART Coaching Cycle Coach asks ?s to: Set the Foundation
Page 144 of your Participant Manual Coach asks ?s to: Plan to Take Action Coach asks ?s to: Identify the Need for Change Coach asks ?s to: Examine the Data

9 SMART Coaching Cycle Coachee: My Commitment Coachee: My Focus Coachee:
Page 144 of your Participant Manual Coachee: My Commitment Coachee: My Focus Coachee: My Considerations Coachee: My Insights

10 SMART Coaching Cycle STAGE 4: STAGE 1: STAGE 3: STAGE 2: Plan to
Take Action STAGE 1: Set the Foundation Page 144 of your Participant Manual STAGE 3: Identify the Need for Change STAGE 2: Examine the Data

11 Educational Change Model
1. Inquiry 2. Initiation 3. Implementation 4. Institutionalization Pages of your Participant Manual

12 Inquiry Asks questions about why change should happen
Believes change needs to happen, although not for themselves or their classroom but for others Fakes change

13 Inquiry: Coaching Skills
Acknowledge fear/hesitation Identify consequences of not making the change, even making a change Generates a commitment of support

14 Initiation Begin to actively participate
Common commitment to move forward Change is linked to a high profile focus

15 Initiation: Coaching Skills
Help teams/individuals identify data, goals, strategies, resources and action Secure a commitment to the plan

16 Implementation Well on the way Receive ongoing technical assistance
Excited about the change Change is an expectation and a shared responsibility

17 Implementation: Coaching Skills
Continues to keep teams/individuals focused, motivated and committed to change Uses empowering questions, reflective dialogue and accountability Helps understand depth of change process

18 Institutionalization
The way the system acts Embedded into practice Clear alignment of priorities and goals Questions what else needs to be changed to improve continuous improvement

19 Institutionalization: Coaching Skills
Builds on teams successes Promotes self-efficacy Asks what opportunities there are for change

20 Reflective Questions for the SMART Coaching Cycle
Purpose: New coaching resource Outcome: Align empowering questions to stages of change: Inquiry Initiation Implementation Institutionalization Pages of your Participant Manual

21 Laboratory of Grace Debrief
Determine your Coaching Focus: Select an element of your team’s plan that you would like to further examine

22 Observer feedback – 3 minutes
Laboratory of Grace ROUND 1 ROUND 2 ROUND 3 A B C Coach - 12 minutes Observer feedback – 3 minutes

23 Observer feedback – 3 minutes
Laboratory of Grace ROUND 1 ROUND 2 ROUND 3 A Coach Observer Coachee B C Coach - 10 minutes Observer feedback – 3 minutes

24 SMART Coaching Cycle: Stages and Competencies
Page 157 of your Participant Manual

25 Your Culminating Vision
Create a metaphoric image of how your school/district will be different in 5 years as a result of your SMART process and SMART coaching.

26 Passing the Baton Resources and Support Agreements

27 Building a legacy of student-focused, goal directed learning.
Thank you SMART People! Building a legacy of student-focused, goal directed learning.

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