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Sustainable Development Goals

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development Goals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development Goals
Ireland’s National Implementation Plan to 2020

2 Overview Ireland played a key role in facilitating the adoption of the 17 global goals by all 193 member States of the United Nations in 2015. Our ambition is to now play a leading role in their implementation.

3 Cross-governmental approach
National Implementation Plan Launched in April 2018 Cross-governmental approach Identifies opportunities for policy coherence


5 Tracking Progress: Voluntary National Review
Presented in July 2018 at the annual UN High Level Political Forum in New York The report considers Ireland's performance against each of the 17 SDGs

6 Irish Aid Our nine partner countries

7 Irish Aid – SDG priorities
“There are 7.6 billion people in the world; 617 million young people who do not have basic mathematical, reading and writing skills; 57 million primary school aged children are not able to go to school.”  Minister for International Development Ciarán Cannon

8 Irish Aid and the SDGs

9 A priority for Ireland

10 Orla O’Hanrahan Ambassador of Ireland
Thank you Orla O’Hanrahan Ambassador of Ireland

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