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Repertoire structure as relevant to vaccine response.

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1 Repertoire structure as relevant to vaccine response.
Repertoire structure as relevant to vaccine response. (A) Chao1 (21) estimates of repertoire diversity by isotype compartment and isotype proportions of observed sequences. (B) Relative and absolute sizes of naive and antigen-experienced compartments, in terms of numbers of distinct sequences estimated using Chao1. Here, isotype and mutation levels were used as proxies to separate compartments: “Naive” counts were based only on unmutated IgD sequences, and “antigen-experienced” counts were based only on IgA and IgG sequences. (C) Percentage of VDJ sequences in the IgM compartment that were also observed in the IgD compartment. (D) Analysis of within-lineage sequence entropy. The mean entropy per nucleotide was calculated for the sequences in each lineage and then averaged over all lineages with equal numbers of distinct sequences. Curves were smoothed using a moving-average filter of width 5 values. (E) Polyclonal vaccine response at day 7: Of lineages present at both day 0 and day 7, the percentage that increased in abundance from day 0 to day 7 (excluding superlineages) is shown. (F) Distribution of baseline-to-endpoint lineage radius increases. Here, only lineages present at both day 0 and day 28 were considered, and lineage radii from pooled day 0 and day 28 sequences were compared with radii from day 0 sequences. Charles F. A. de Bourcy et al. PNAS 2017;114:5: ©2017 by National Academy of Sciences

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