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Year 11 Final Countdown Mr Yarwood Principal

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1 Year 11 Final Countdown Mr Yarwood Principal

2 Period 6 The students have started their personalised period 6 study sessions. These run until the GCSE exams start on Monday May 13th.

3 No Excuses Now is the time to make sacrifices. That is the Parents and the Students!!

4 The Pathway to college, training or
the world of work All students must pass the BASIC MEASURE. That is Maths and English GCSE at the best grade possible! Plus you need at least FOUR other good GCSE/BTEC grades. IMPORTANT: Aim for good pass grades as your minimum target. That is GRADE 5. This will set you apart from other young adults on your journey.

5 What YOU the parents can do to HELP….
Please support the school in ensuring that your child attends the sessions allocated to him/her. Make home a good place to revise and do preparation for the examinations. Keep in touch with the class teachers. Keep your child’s social activities to a minimum.

6 The Exam Season The real GCSE examinations start on Monday 13th May. Our study leave will be at a later date during the exam period. YOU WILL BE INFORMED OF THIS DATE SOON After this date students will only attend classes where their GCSE examination has not been taken.

7 Our Annual Easter School
Monday 8th to Friday 12th April. Monday 15th to Thursday 18th April. Details to follow

8 Preparing to Perform Mr Marsden

9 Our Hodgson ‘Class of 2018’:
55% achieved English & Maths at grade ‘5’ or above 77% achieved English & Maths at grade ‘4’ or above Average grade across the best 8 subjects of 5.1 All well above national averages – but we want to do even better!

10 Boys, and parents of boys – pay attention!
Last year, girls at Hodgson did, on average, 1 full GCSE grade better than boys with similar prior attainment. This means that…

11 HODGSON JACK English Language 3 English Literature Maths Science History French Product Design RE HODGSON JILL English Language 4 English Literature Maths Science History French Product Design RE

12 HODGSON JACK English Language 6 English Literature Maths 5 Science History French Product Design RE HODGSON JILL English Language 7 English Literature 6 Maths Science History French Product Design RE

13 Supporting effective independent learning and revision:
Talk to your child about their strengths and weaknesses not just across subjects but within them Discuss the different ways your child can study, especially the use of the available apps Ensure home is a productive learning environment with as few distractions as possible – a social media free space Support your child in following a revision schedule which allows time for hobbies and social activities

14 Steps to successful learning and revision Miss Hetherington

15 Get Organised During school 9am-3pm) After school (4pm-5.30pm)
Before school (7am – 8.30am) During school 9am-3pm) After school (4pm-5.30pm) Evening (7pm-9.30pm) Monday Mission: Medal: Tuesday Wednesday BONUS medal: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

16 Reading through class notes
Using online resources Using course textbooks Mind maps/ diagrams Making/re-making class notes Highlighting/colour coding Flashcards Using a revision wall to display your learning Writing an exam answer under timed conditions Reading model answers Using past exam questions to plan answers Marking your own work to a mark scheme Working with other students in groups and pairs Comparing model answers to your own work Creating your own exam questions/quizes and answering them Handing in extra exam work for marking One to one discussions with tutors

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